February 20, 2012

Sunday Fun Day

The girls had a singing and dance party Sunday morning. They are totally in to Kids Bop 21 right now. Logan can be so animated when she sings. She makes me giggle!

On Sunday morning, Peyton's friend came over for a play date. We decided to go to the mall and have lunch at Rainforest Cafe. We did a little shopping, had some lunch, went on the mini carousel and picked up some cookies at Mrs. Fields. The girls had so much fun at South Coast.

Rainforst Cafe can be so loud!

Elevators can be so fascinating!

In the afternoon, we headed to Auntie Carol's house to celebrate Andrew's birthday.  Peyton is holding the giant cupcake, drizzled with frosting.  It was a molton chocolate cake and it was delicious!  Happy Birthday Andrew!

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