March 29, 2012

A Sunday Full of Activities

Sunday afternoon, I promised the girls we would go to Toys R Us so they could use a couple gift cards they recently received. The girls really want to wear their rain boots so I said yes, of course. They wanted to find puddles to stomp on prior to getting in the car. I was happy because there weren't any big puddles... just a lot of wind.

We spent about 2 hours at Toys R Us.  The girls checked out EVERYTHING!  They each had a $20 gift card so I told them they needed to spend wisely.  They found the electronic car section and it was hard to pull them away.

Logan really wanted this suitcase, but it wasn't in her budget.

Peyton loved this cute little Hello Kitty pillow, not in her budget either.

Logan ended up with this cute little Hello Kitty Microphone Stand.
She can plug the Ipod in to it and sing along with the songs.

My little Peyton isn't so little anymore.  She goes to a toy store and buys girly stuff.
Bracelets, lip gloss, and hair accessories.

After Toys R Us, we went to my parent's house for dinner.  Grandma and Logan baked Easter cookies and Peyton and I worked on her Star of the Week for school.  More on that later.

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