May 22, 2012

Hair Cut and Mini Photo Session

Geoff took the girls to get their hair cut yesterday. Peyton decided the hairdresser wasn't a good listener because she asked the hairdresser to cut her hair to her shoulders. Well, the hairdresser cut it just below her ears. Which at first, didn't make for a happy Peyton. She called me on the phone crying, the second she left the hair salon. I had to chuckle when she told me, "I'm not going to stop crying until all my hair grows out." By the time I saw both the girls after work, Peyton was a happy camper again and she really likes her hair.   I think it's a perfect summertime hair cut. Logan got about 4 inches cut off so now her hair looks super healthy. We had dinner at my brother and sister in law's house yesterday.  As we waited for dinner, I had to take some photos of the new hairdos. 

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