December 29, 2012

Christmas 2012

This year we spent Christmas Eve at my dad's house with my sister Karen and her family and on Christmas Day, we went to Geoff's Aunt's house. Grammie spent the night at our house on Christmas Eve and Geoff's dad came over in the morning to watch the girls open up their presents.

Auntie Carol and Andrew came for a visit to our house on Christmas Eve and Uncle John and Aunt Jackie spent some time with the girls Christmas morning. 

Santa was very good to the girls this year. Logan was a little sad since Santa didn't bring anything that was on her list. Her list included the following: An Ipad, skateboard, trampoline and $100,000. However, she does love her new hot pink camera.  Peyton is loving her new roller skates too.

I really wanted a couple nice pictures of the family.  Sorry for all the posed shots.

Christmas morning at our house, before all the gifts were open.

After the craziness!

Daddy's one happy golfer

Uncle John helping Logan on the Pogo Stick

Logan got a new hat.

All the kids ready to open presents.  Logan was being shy in the back.

Someone got new boots
Logan trying to be silly

Merry Christmas to all!

1 comment:

  1. What a great day, I love the pictures, posed and all. The girls are soooo beautiful. Hope you all have a great New Year's!!!
