September 24, 2013

Sunday Day Games

The past couple Sundays, the girls and I have gone to Angels games with friends. One of our friends even got a chance to meet Mark Trumbo before the game. The girls have so much fun at the stadium. I can't believe the season is going to be over soon. I feel like we were just in Arizona visiting Geoff at spring training.

{that's dad in the 2002 team picture}

September 19, 2013

Vegas for the Weekend

Back in June, my sister, niece and I planned a mini vacation to go to Vegas for the weekend. Well, we went last weekend and little did we know, one of the biggest fights was happening at MGM on Saturday night. We didn't think all the crowds would affect us since we were staying at Red Rock in Summerlin. Wrong!

Our plane pulls away from the gate at Long Beach Airport and the pilot makes an announcement that the Vegas airport is shut down because of volume! So we sit on the plane for over an hour. We finally take off and the plane is about to land in Vegas and the pilot takes the plane back up because another plane was on the runway. We circle around the airport for a while and finally land. I ended up getting sick on the plane because of turbulence, awesome. That was just the first night!

During the day on Saturday, we decided to take a shuttle to the strip so my niece could check out Vegas. I finally got a chance to try the frozen hot chocolate from Serendipity. So yummy! That night, my niece begged us to go to the strip to go dancing at a nightclub. We ended up at Ghostbar at the Palms since it's slightly off the strip. We had a great time there, decided to leave around 1:45 a.m. and bam... thousands of people were in the casino lobby. Seriously! We had no idea P. Diddy was having an after party at a nightclub called Rain inside the Palms that was set to start at 2:00 a.m.. So we leave the Palms and there is only about 500 people trying to get a taxi outside the hotel. Shoot me now! It ended up taking us 2.5 hours to get a taxi that night, after of course walking to another hotel… with no shoes on, because our feet were killing us! We got back to the hotel at 4:30 a.m.! Ugh, only in Vegas.

Here are a few pictures from the weekend. Yes, besides all the mishaps and being sick on the plane, we did have a great time!

{outside Ghostbar}

{after visiting Serendipity}

{about to hit the casino on Friday night}

September 16, 2013

Fall Soccer

The 2013 Fall soccer season has officially started. This past weekend, the girls had their first soccer game. I was in Vegas with my sister and niece so unfortunately, I missed both games. Geoff took photos during the games, thank goodness. Geoff said Logan had a few tears during her game, which I expected.  Below are some pictures from Soccerfest that took place a few weeks ago and pictures of their first game.

September 6, 2013

First Day of School - 2013

The girls started school this past Wednesday. Let's just say Logan had a very difficult morning. The tears started the second she woke up and they lasted until after we dropped her off at school. As for Peyton, she was super excited to start third grade. She's also super happy with the teacher she got.

So when I got home from work, I asked the girls how their first day of school was and the first thing out of Logan's mouth was, "School is fun!" Oh, that made me so happy. Peyton really enjoyed her first day of school as well.

{she tried so hard to put her happy face on}

September 5, 2013

My Sista's Surprise Birthday Bash

Last month, we celebrated my sister Carol's birthday at We Olive. My sister in law Jackie pulled off a surprise party for her with all her girlfriends, and of course Clark too. Jackie and Megan made amazing appetizers. My favorite was this blue cheese cherry tomato drops. They were amazing and tasted just like a wedge salad. OMG, so good! Here are some photos taken throughout the night.