March 4, 2013

Spring Training

This past weekend, we went to visit Geoff at spring training. My niece Shea flew in from Oregon to join us. We got there Friday afternoon and headed straight to the stadium. The girls were so excited to see daddy! Logan said she wanted to hang on to his leg forever and never let him go. Friday night we stayed in and got take out from PF Changs. We were all pretty tired from the drive.

Saturday we went to visit Geoff at the stadium. Shea was so excited because she finally got to meet Mike Trout. We all got to meet Josh Hamilton and he was super nice. My nephew Dillon goes to ASU so he joined us with his girlfriend Lauren. We ended up at Scottsdale Mall for lunch and a little shopping. LOVE that mall.

Sunday the Angels played the Cubs at home. We headed to the stadium super early so we could watch batting practice. The girls were on a mission for some autographs (with a little help from dad). The girls Geoff managed to get autographs from Mike Trout, Vernon Wells, Jered Weaver and Mark Trumbo. The girls were being so shy! My niece got an opportunity to take a picture with Mike Trout… best day ever for her! So we watched the game and ended up in some great seats by the 9th inning… right next to dad. After the game, we got to hang out in the dugout. Boys are really dirty and messy during the games! The girls said hi to Mike Scioscia, but they were too shy to ask him for an autograph.

Sunday night, we went to one of our favorite restaurants, Rustler’s Rooste. It’s known as “the restaurant with the slide” to my girls. Dillon and Lauren joined us too. Dillon really got a chance to see how silly and crazy his little cousins are. I was so sad because I left my camera at home so I have no pictures from dinner. 

Monday morning, we drove home. We were so sad to say bye to daddy. Those 4 days went by way too quickly!

{Shea's future husband... Mike Trout}

{Albert Pujols during batting practice}

{Howie Kendrick}

{And Logan's favorite... Alberto Callaspo}

{Jered Weaver signing a ball for the girls}

{I'm not sure what the girls are looking at}

{The Great Mike Scioscia}

{There's dad working hard in the dugout.  There's Josh Hamilton too!}

{Check out all the fans wanting an autograph from Mike Trout}

{Logan hanging in the dugout}

{My nephew and his girlfriend Lauren joined us}

{The girls checking out the Fox Sports West guys}

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