November 6, 2012

She Shoots... She Scores X 2

This past weekend, Peyton had one of the best soccer games ever. Sad news… I missed it because I had to work. Good news… she scored two goals!!! G said the first goal was an awesome goal as she kicked the ball in the net with her left foot. This was the first goal for her this season. Then, G said she scored again, right after her first goal! I was so happy when G called me to tell me about her goals, and then so sad that I missed them both. She's got two more games this season… I'm hoping I get to witness some goals! Here are some random photos of her from this year… and some photos of our future soccer star, Logan. She always insists on wearing Peyton's old soccer jerseys to the games.

{she worked hard during this game... check out the red face}

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