February 27, 2013

Logan's Birthday Week

Logan had an amazing birthday week! For her birthday, she wanted to go to Corner Bakery for lunch and then Yogurtland for dessert... DONE! Easiest birthday ever! So this is her birthday week in a nutshell... Corner Bakery, Yogurtland, then a super fun dinner at Farrell's Ice Cream. That was on Monday. Wednesday was her actual birthday and Grammie took her to Disneyland. Friday night, we met my family at Wahoo's for dinner (another one of Logan's favorite restaurants). Auntie Karen was in town from Oregon so that made the dinner extra special.



Enjoying her ice cream sundae at Farrells

Logan had to try on every thing
Aunt Jack and Uncle John got her. Check the purple hair too.

Logan got these silly bunny barrettes.

Logan loves her new Uggs!

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