February 8, 2012

A Very Colorful 4th Birthday

We celebrated Logan's 4th birthday a little early this year. The hubs is leaving for ST soon so the birthday party had to happen before he leaves this Saturday. We went big this year, really big! This was Logan's first birthday party so we had to go big. The theme was colors and colors were everywhere!  We celebrated at my parents house, who were nice enough to open their home to all our friends and family.  Thank you, thank you, thank you mom and dad!! The bounce house would never have fit in my front yard.  We had a taco bar that served up tacos, burritos, beans, rice and quesadillas for the kids.  Geoff's friend Hector and his mom made the best party food ever.  Thank you to Grammie and Aunt Nancy for coming over before the party to drop off chairs and tables.  Our guests would have been sitting on the lawn if it wasn't for them.  Thank you for picking up the balloons too, Grammie.  Logan loved the balloon shaped as the number 4.  It was as big as her.

I have to say, I spent hours on Pinterest trying to come up with cute ideas for the party. I've become a Pinterest addict! They had so many ideas, I wish I had more time in a day to do all the things I wanted to do. My friend Temre really inspired me too. Her birthday parties for her daughter are perfection! I called her a couple days before the party and asked her how the heck she managed to create so many amazing things for her parties. I felt great about making so many things, but it's all so time consuming. In the end, I was very pleased with how all the decorations turned out. The sweets table was a big hit!

So I'm breaking down the party and here goes...
The Skirt and The Hair Bow

My sister Karen made the most adorable colorful skirt I have ever seen. We were checking out Pinterest and came across this skirt.  Karen said she could make it, and of course, it looks exactly like the one we found on Pinterest.  Karen picked up all the fabric and spent several hours on a Sunday making the skirt. It fit Logan perfectly and it matched the party perfectly!

My friend Temre made the cute little bow in Logan's hair. I just wish Logan would have kept it in her hair the entire party.

I thought this cute little yellow cardigan went perfect with the skirt.
The Sweets Table and Other Decorations

I have to give a big thank you to my friend Jamie who helped me out with the decorations and the glassware for the sweets table. She came over on a Saturday and taught me how to use her Cricut. If you haven't heard about the Cricut, Google it. It's awesome! She let me borrow it and I spent my nights cutting paper into cute little shapes. She helped me make the Happy Birthday sign that was by the sweets table too.  The sweets table was pretty much empty by the time the party was over. Of course, we had Logan's favorite candy... M&M's. The kids got to pick which treats they wanted to take home with them.  We had apple sauce and goldfish for the little ones just in case they were too young for candy.

I found these cute little buckets at Target.  They matched perfectly.
I made these bottle labels for the water using Microsoft Word. 
My mom and I made the chocolate dipped pretzels.
I found these Happy Birthday Straws on Etsy.

Carol did an amazing job on the cake.  It was perfect!

These are made out of yarn, glue, water and a balloon.  I used Tacky glue because it dries clear. Use one part glue, to one part water and do not cut the strings in to pieces. Thanks Jamie for this one!) 
They took hours to make...
but I couldn't be happier with the way they turned out.

The Bounce House

The bounce house speaks for itself. It was huge, period.

The Cake
My sister Carol made the cutest rainbow cake ever! My sister Karen and I found the idea on Pinterest and Carol made it happen. It was so awesome to cut the cake to see how cute the rainbow turned out.

Singing... Happy Birthday to Logan...
I loved how the cake turned out... yes, I know... I mentioned that already!

Party People

We tried to get pictures of everyone that joined us for the party. Unfortunately, not all the pictures turned out. Some were blurry, some were discolored and some people had their eyes closed. 

I made the balloon wreath in the background several months ago.
My daddy.

We love Mommy Kay!

Opening Presents

Logan spent a good amount of time during the party asking me if she could open her presents. Finally, as things were winding down, I agreed. She received so many special gifts. Thanks to the big girls for reading all the cards.

Logan got a new baby girl!

 Exhaustion set in.

And just like that, the party was over.
Once again, a big thank you to my parents for opening your home to all our friends and family for Logan's birthday. Thank you Mom, Dad, Grammie, Nancy, Wendy, Karen, Carol, Jamie, Jill and Temre for all your help. 

Logan told my parents she would like to have her birthday party at their house every year. We'll see about that.

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