November 25, 2013


Grammie took the girls to a special showing of the movie Frozen at the El Capitan in downtown Los Angeles.  This was the first 3-D movie the girls have seen and they loved it!

{Nick thinks the girls are too silly for words!}

{can you see the Hollywood sign in the background}

November 24, 2013

Friend's Thanksgiving

Last night we got to together with our friends to celebrate Thanksgiving. I love turkey dinner and I love celebrating this holiday with close friends. I made two types of cupcakes to bring for dessert. One looked like mashed potatoes and gravy and the other looked like peas and carrots. I was happy with the way they turned out since it was my first attempt at making them.

{The peas are Skittles and the carrots are Starbursts}

{the potato is frosting, the gravy is caramel and the butter is a Starburst}

{there was a whole lot of kids}

{Logan took my camera and snapped some pictures}

{Uncle Josh snapped some pics back at Logan}

Special Person's Day

This past Thursday was Special Person's Day at school. The kids got to invite friends and family to watch performances and check out their classrooms. Each grade performed a special song during the celebration. Logan and Peyton have been practicing their songs at home so I got a sneak peak before the real performances. The girls were so excited Grammie was able to be there. Unfortunately, my dad got stuck in horrible traffic so he couldn't make it.

November 18, 2013

A Sweet Ice Skating Birthday Party

This past Saturday, we headed up to Rolling Hills for a very sweet birthday party for our cousin Liesl's 9th birthday. We had dinner at Ruby's and then headed to the ice skating rink. The girls had so much fun ice skating... I even got skates on too. Check out the smile on all the kids. They all had a blast!

{I had to take this picture in front of the Christmas tree}

November 16, 2013

The End of the 2013 Soccer Season

{This is how the soccer season started out for Logan}

{Logan's favorite part of the game}

{Towards the end of the season, Logan was getting in to the game}

{Logan is about to score her second goal of the season!}

{That's part of Logan's soccer banner}

{Logan got her first trophy}

{Peyton had a great soccer season... she loved playing the game}

{Peyton realized goalie was her least favorite position}

{Soccer trophy number 4}