February 20, 2014

Logan is 6 Today!

Our little Logan turned 6 today! She woke up at the crack of dawn this morning, got dressed and she was ready before the alarm even went off. She was so excited to start her day! She wanted EVERYONE to know it was her birthday so she wore the birthday shirt, the big headband and a ribbon that said she's 6. She had a special day at school because the kids sang happy birthday, her teacher read her a special birthday book and she handed out little gift bags to her classmates.

After school, she wanted Corner Bakery for lunch and then Grammie took her to get a mani and pedi. Once I got home from work, she opened presents and then we were off to Olive Garden. Logan got to pick out any where she wanted to go and it was the OG. Once we got home, we brought out the ice cream cake and sang happy birthday. Logan had an amazing day. I really can't believe she's 6 already. It goes by way to fast!

{she worked that headband all day}

{Logan getting a special birthday wish from her friends}

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