September 13, 2011

Isn't She Lovely

My sister Karen and I set out to take pictures of my niece Shea for her senior portraits. Yes, take a look below because she is only a senior in high school! Isn't she so darn pretty?  My sister Carol was the fashion director and Karen and I were the photographers. We set out to The OC Mart Mix and The Lab.  The OC Mart Mix has some really great places to take photos.  Karen and I agreed, that was our favorite place because of the scenery and the bohemian feel to it.  We had several outfit changes (in the car) and a whole lot of accessories. I took about 200 pictures and my sister Karen probably took just as many.  I'm still waiting to see the pictures she took.  I was shooting with my new Canon lens (which I L.O.V.E) for close up shots.  These are some of my favorites.

She can go from cute to funny...

To this...

To just plan being silly... in a matter of seconds.

I had the best time taking pictures with my sister. Karen took Shea to the beach the following day for more pictures. Unfortunately, I had to work. I swear in my next life I will be a photographer. I truly love taking pictures. Too bad I have to wait until next year to see Shea's yearbook to find out which photos made the cut.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures!!! Why wait until your next life? You should be a photog in this life!!! I would totally hire you!!! :)
