May 30, 2012

2012 Summer Bucket List

Summer is officially here June 20th!  Since summer is rapidly approaching, I decided to create a 2012 Summer Bucket List.  We really hope to cross off as many items off the bucket list as possible.  I thought it would be fun for the girls to pick different items throughout the weeks of summer. Of course, I intend to capture everything on film as well. 

So here's how the list goes....

Here are just a few of the things we did last summer.

Sunday Birthday Party and a BBQ

On Sunday, the girls and I went with Auntie Carol to a 1 year birthday party for Reid and Bryce. They are the cutest little blonde hair/blue eyed boys I have ever seen. The girls went swimming at the party. Peyton loved going down the waterslide. Logan went down twice and decided that was enough.

The girls and I met my dad at Carol's house for a BBQ.  The girls love to play outside on the playground that is right outside her house.  Peyton took these pictures of my dad and I while we were sitting on the bench watching the girls play.

May 28, 2012

My Little Baker and a BBQ

Saturday night, we went to our neighbor's house for a BBQ. I decided to bring a cake and I thought the Sock-It-To-Me Cake by Duncan Hines would be a perfect cake to make. Logan was my big helper of the day as she loves to bake. The recipe for this cake is found on the side of the Butter Golden cake mix box. It's so delicious and super simple to make.

We didn't add nuts to the cinnamon/sugar mixture.
A happy slice of cake!
At the BBQ, the girls danced and did a little singing for us as well.  The big girls learned a couple songs from softball and now Logan has mastered one of them. 

May 26, 2012

A Beautiful Wedding Reception

The girls and I went to a lovely wedding reception for the daughter of one of my co-workers. Everything about the evening was perfect. We had such a wonderful time and I really enjoyed taking pictures during the reception. Peyton and Logan kept talking about the beautiful princess in white.  The bride truly looked like a princess!

I loved the invitations!
The car was in the backyard and held all the gifts in the trunk.
Such an amazing cake.

The sweets table.

Beautiful bride with her dad.
I loved the brides hair and dress...stunning
Logan was mesmerized by the bouquet.
The father-daughter dance brought out a lot of tears.
The bridesmaids performing a little number for the guests
Peyton was watching the bride throw the bouquet.  She was in awe!
Proud parents!