October 31, 2012


This year, the girls decided what they wanted to be for Halloween. Logan wanted to be a lady bug so I bought her costume from this cute website.  Peyton checked out the website to get ideas and she spotted the Pink Lady costume.  She initially told me she wanted to be a spy as she pointed to the Pink Lady costume.  I explained to her that the little girl wasn't dressing up as a spy, she's a character in a movie that mommy use to watch.  I also had to tell her she won't be seeing Grease any time soon.  :)

Halloween evening, I took lots of pictures before it got dark and then we headed to the neighbors house to attempt to get a group picture of all the kids.

We ended up walking around for a while and then Logan decided she wanted to go home so we could pass out some candy.  That wasn't until after 7:15 so we missed a lot of the kids and ended up with two bags of candy left over.

{Oh no, there are spiders behind me}

{So excited to go trick or treating}

{The neighborhood kids getting ready to go trick or treating}

{Loved this costume!}

{Hey, it's Mike Trout}

{Our first house...}

{Scary haunted house in our neighborhood}

{Logan wanted to get the heck out of there}

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