April 5, 2013


This past week, we went to the Happiest Place On Earth… yep, Disneyland. I took the day off of work and thought it was the biggest mistake to go to Disneyland during spring break. Well, I was shocked at how many rides we got on. To my surprise, it was a perfect day to go. Weather was awesome and it wasn't overly crowded.

We got to Disneyland around 10:30 a.m. and left at 9:30 p.m. Peyton could have stayed until midnight, but Logan was exhausted. We went to California Adventure first, left there around 5:00 p.m., and spent the evening inside Disneyland. I love that the girls are old enough so the entire family can go on rides together. Our final ride was Splash Mountain. I forgot how big that hill is on the ride. Logan hated it and Peyton loved it. Peyton even went on California Screamin' with Geoff. No, way I'm going on that roller coaster!

At the end of the night, I realized I lost my camera! Worst news ever for the girl that always carries a camera with her. I was so excited when I contacted lost and found the next day because they found my camera and they mailed it back to me for free! Happy Girl! Below are some pictures from Geoff's IPhone. Once I receive my camera, I'll post some additional pictures.

{the girls on the Golden Zephyr}

{dancing at the Phineas & Ferb show}

{we paid a visit to Mickey in Toontown}

{Yep, that's me hiding behind Peyton, she was soaked after that hill}

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