April 1, 2013

Easter Sunday

The girls woke up bright and early Easter morning to see what the Easter bunny brought them.  Peyton didn't want me to take any photos of her because her hair was messy.  It's starting already!!!

In the early afternoon, we went to Geoff's aunt's house.  The girls spent time with their second cousins and we had a super yummy lunch.  The girls had one last Easter egg hunt as well. They have so much fun playing with the kids.  I tried my best to get a photo of all the kids.  It was so bright outside, which made it difficult to get a group picture, but I think the photos turned out cute.   We spent the evening at my dad's house for dinner and then made one last stop at our friend's house.  Such a perfect day with friends and family!

{Logan with her Easter tote}

{Silly face time}

{We could have used some clouds during this photo} 

{I heart babies}

{I could have held her for hours.  Such a beautiful sweet girl}

{Logan colored her lips with a blue Robin Egg}

{We tried to get a  family shot and this was the best... it was just so bright outside} 
{Aunt Jackie and Uncle John picked out these cute treats for the girls}

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