December 26, 2013


Christmas morning the girls woke up around 7:15 a.m. I figured they would have woken up earlier, but I was happy it was after 7:00 a.m. since we were up until 1:00 a.m. wrapping presents. I swear next year I will plan ahead. Geoff's mom spent the night and his dad came over in the morning for breakfast and to watch the girls open their gifts. The girls were so excited opening all their presents. After the craziness, I headed to church with my dad, sister and Madi and then we took flowers to the cemetery for my mom. Ugh, I miss her so much! I ended staying at my dad's the rest of the afternoon to help prepare dinner. Geoff and the girls came by in the afternoon so we could celebrate with my family.


{Lighting the plum pudding... one of my dad's favorite traditions he does with the grandkids}

{Peyton and Logan photobombing Carol and Madi}

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