November 18, 2010

Peyton's 5th Birthday

Peyton's birthday started off with a wonderful surprise at her school. On Fridays, Peyton's class has a secret reader come to the class and read a book to the kids. I selected this particular Friday since it was Peyton's birthday. Grammie was the secret reader and surprised Peyton with a special book. Peyton was able to sit right next to Grammie while she read a book to the entire class. It was so cute! After Grammie read the book, we passed out goodie bags to the kids.

After school, Grammie and I took Peyton to Downtown Disney for some fun and lunch. First stop was Build-A-Bear. Peyton made two very cute My Melody's, one for herself and one for Logan. During our visit at Build-A-Bear, the entire store sang happy birthday to Peyton. She was able to stand on the stairs looking down at the crowd while everyone sang to her. She had such a big smile on her face. We left Build-A-Bear and went to Little Miss Matched, where Peyton picked out some super cute socks and a pair of flip flops. Once we finished shopping, we headed to Rainforest Café for lunch.

Peyton decided she wanted to go to Corner Bakery for her birthday dinner with the family. She LOVES Corner Bakery and would eat there every day if we would allow her to. I asked Peyton what kind of cake she wanted for her birthday and she said she wanted the cinnamon coffee cake as her birthday cake. Like mother-like daughter. Some of my family and Geoff's family joined us for the birthday celebration. Peyton received some very special gifts.

Peyton had a birthday party with friends and cousins at Color Me Mine. I'm all about having a small party, where there isn't much to clean up. This was the perfect location and all the kids got to take something special home that they made. Grammie and Aunt Nancy put together the cutest art-themed gift bags for the kids and Grammie picked out super cute cupcakes.

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