October 15, 2011

Carnival Time

We hit up another local carnival in our area a few weeks ago. Peyton had so much fun going on all the big rides with our neighbors. Logan even got a chance to go on some rides too. Peyton went on ride called "Gravitron" 4 times. That's the ride that spins around so fast that you don't even need to buckle yourself in. She went on so many times that she felt dizzy when she closed her eyes for bed. She said, "Mom, everytime I close my eyes, I keep going in circles." My poor girl. Luckily, she was fine and eventually fell asleep that night.

Peyton loves the big kid rides.
I love this photo because it screams carnival!
There are 3 rides in this photo, and they're all going at the same time.
I love the facial expressions on all the kids in this photo, too bad I can't see Peyton's face!
Peyton is in there... spinning around and around and around!

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