October 23, 2011


We went to my mom's work for her annual pumpkin patch. Well, it's my dad's work too, since he recently started at Tarbell. The girls had so much fun getting their faces painted, playing games, coloring mommy's hair and picking out pumpkins. Lots of pumpkins! I think we ended up with 8 by the time we got home!  They love to get dressed up for Grandma's pumpkin patch.  I do too because they get to wear their costumes more than once!

There's a fog machine behind us.  That's why it looks a little blurry.

Logan won the stickers in a contest.

Getting her face painted.
Getting her face painted by an artist.
Yes, that's color in my hair.  The girls made me do it! :)
So pretty!
Nolan and Tyler came to the pumpkin patch too.
My daddy and I.
Kisses from the little butterfly.
Peyton and grammie.

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