May 31, 2010

Weekend Fun... For The Girls

The girls weekend was full of activities, unfortunately I worked the entire weekend. Geoff worked at the stadium as well so my friends and family came to the rescue. Saturday night I was able to get out of the office in the afternoon so the girls and I went to Pat and Tina's house warming party. They moved about 2 minutes from my house so it's nice to know more people in our neighborhood.

Of course I didn't get pictures of the house however, I did get pictures of my girls with their new friend Sully. How cute are they?

On Sunday, I had to work again so my wonderful friend Rachel took the girls to church and then the girls got a chance to go swimming at her pool. I showed up around dinner time so here are a couple pictures of the girls playing outside in the courtyard at Rachel's house.

Geoff did not have to work on Memorial Day so he took the girls to Matt and Sarah's house for a bbq and they went swimming in the pool. I was expecting to work a couple hours that day however, I didn't get off work until after 9:00 p.m. so I missed all the fun. Geoff didn't have a camera so there are no pictures either... bummer!!!

I had to include these silly pictures of Logan. She loves wearing baseball hats backwards and glasses. She makes me giggle...

May 23, 2010

Baby Fever and What's Up With This Weather?

Somebody please bring the warm weather back! It's freezing at our house right now and I'm hoping the kids stay bundled up in their sleep tonight. Daddy had to work tonight so the girls and I decided to take a walk after dinner. Little did I know, we had to dress like it was winter outside.

Saturday night we went to our friends Temre and Gary's house for a bbq. We had a great time and the girls were so good with their daughter, Ella. When I'm around babies... I want another one! I know I don't ever want to be pregnant again but I miss the baby stage so much!! I asked Peyton if she wanted a baby brother or sister and she said no, immediately. As I said before, Temre and Gary have Ella on the best sleeping schedule ever. We had a great time and food was so good. What more could you ask for... good food, good company, and the kids in a great mood. See how cute Ella is!

May 21, 2010

The Girls New Room

So far the girls have been in their new room for 3 weeks and they love it! Daddy painted one of the walls this week... a very pretty pink. Once we get things hung up on the walls, I'll post pictures. Now I just need to find new comforters or duvets for their beds. I've checked Target, TJ Maxx Home Store, Pottery Barn Kids and several places online. I'm having issues deciding because there are so many cute things to choose from. How does one decide and do I get matching ones? ARGH!!! I did get a super cute lamp from Target for the new room, which I love.

The girls seem to really like the play room. Geoff put in Peyton's 25 inch flat screen TV and DVD player in the room as well. I'm not sure about the TV in the room, especially when they get older. I would like to put desks in the room once they start grade school. My parents never let us have a TV in our room growing up. I think it may be a distraction. We did watch a super cute Strawberry Shortcake video last night in the room though. We'll see how long the TV's last.

Daddy is watching the girls tonight by himself! Well, Grammie picked up the girls so I'm sure she will stay and help daddy get the girls to bed. I'm going to dinner and a movie with my sister. She is insisting on Ironman 2 and I want to see Robin Hood. Hopefully we won't be out too late since I have a soccer game at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow. I'm having another sleepover at my parents! :) I will miss the cute little face Logan makes when I come home every day. She screams... MOOOOOOMMMMMMYYYYY while she's running towards me to give me a big hug. I LOVE IT!

May 18, 2010

Swagger Wagon

This has to be one of the funniest YouTube videos I have ever seen called Swagger Wagon. Gosh, I wish I could have played the role of the mom! I haven't laughed this hard in a while! I love the kids in the background dancing.

May 16, 2010

Always Out And About

I haven't "blogged" in a while so this will basically sum up what's been going on in our world the last two weeks. We haven't been home much during the weekends.

Friday, May 6th I was invited to Peyton's school for "Muffins with Mommy." The school provided muffins and juice for us and all the kids made very special gifts for their mommies. Peyton made me a beaded bracelet and a wooden jewelry box. She also made me a book where she had to answer several questions about me. Towards the end of our special breakfast, the kids went to the front of the class and sang us a very special song. It was a wonderful day and made me feel so special!

Peyton eating her yummy muffins.

Peyton and her teacher, Miss Carlos. Inside the bag was my special gift that Peyton made.

Peyton and her classmates singing a special song for the moms.

Saturday, May 7th we went to our friend's new house for dinner. We had an excellent dinner, Mexican food, which is one of my all time favorites. My good friend Abe, his wife and their kids joined us as well. It was a house full of kids and they all got along, which was great! The third story of their house has the best play room ever! I do believe the kids spent most of their time playing upstairs with all the toys. We had so much fun and love the new house!

Sunday, May 8th was Mother's Day, a very special one at that. Geoff and the girls made waffles, bacon and eggs for breakfast. Geoff's mom came over in the afternoon and we headed out for lunch at Pei Wei, which is one of my favorite restaurants. Once we finished lunch, we headed to Toys R Us to get a bed rail for Logan's new big girl bed! She is no longer in her crib, and she is officially sleeping in her big girl bed. We decided to move Peyton's bed in to Logan's room so they are now sharing a room. Peyton's old room is now a play room filled with toys, books, pottery barn chairs and table, etc. We spent the rest of the afternoon organizing both rooms and putting on Logan's new sheets that Grammie bought for her. The new sheets are a perfect match for her room. So far, the girls have only come in to our bed once in the middle of the night since we moved them together. Geoff decided today that he was going to paint the wall that the girls' beds are up against. A pretty pink is what we decided on. We also need to find the letter's like Logan has above her bed for Peyton. The place where Grammie bought them at is no longer in business. Sadness!

The "New" room. We have some work to do but I think we made the right decision by putting the girls together.

Logan ran around the house with her leg warmers on and Elmo underwear over her diaper... she did not want her skirt on!

The girls on Mother's Day.

My girls and I on Mother's Day. (Apparently I could have used some make-up...yikes!)

Logan and Peyton were dancing to music while on their beds. They were also super excited they are now sharing a room.

Logan playing outside.

I had a wonderful opportunity to get together with friends from high school this past Friday night while Grammie watched the girls and daddy was at work. Our evening started out with dinner at Matador in downtown Fullerton. From there we went to a performance of Steel Magnolia, which our friend from HS was staring in! She did an incredible job and it was fun to surprise her since she didn't know all of us were their to see her. We chatted for a while after the performance and from there we headed for cocktails (diet coke for me). I was so glad my friend was able to visit since she now lives in Texas. It did not seem like it's been 20 years since we have all seen each other.

Saturday, I took the girls to the beach since daddy had to work. It was super nice at our house but once we got to the beach it was super windy and freezing! The girls really wanted to play in the water so we didn't stay too long. I don't think the girls will ever care how cold it is at the beach or in the water, they are just excited they are at the beach. I was super excited because my friend Tricia who I went out with on Friday night, met us at the beach with her daughter and BF. Her daughter is the same age as Logan, two weeks apart! Of course I didn't get a picture of her cuteness!

We left the beach and headed to our friend's house in Orange, where it was nice and warm. Everyone chipped in and we had a nacho bar with carne asada and carnitas. I think I had like 3 plates full… everyone knows I love nachos! I made my cheese/chili dip too. The girls had fun playing in the backyard with all the kids. We left Julie's house and headed to my parent's house for a sleepover. My intention was to wake up super early Sunday morning for my soccer game in Corona. Let's just say I slept in and missed the soccer game. The girls slept in too, Logan didn't wake up until 9:00 a.m. and Peyton woke up at 8:30 a.m. They were so exhausted from Saturday I'm sure. We spent the morning and part of the afternoon at my parent's house.

Sunday afternoon, I took the girls to visit Grammie and daddy at the stadium. We didn't arrive until the end of the 8th inning so we spent time helping Grammie answer phones. The girls love showing up at the stadium, it's so cute because they are so excited to see Grammie and daddy.

The girls love to ride on the golf cart at daddy's work!