May 23, 2010

Baby Fever and What's Up With This Weather?

Somebody please bring the warm weather back! It's freezing at our house right now and I'm hoping the kids stay bundled up in their sleep tonight. Daddy had to work tonight so the girls and I decided to take a walk after dinner. Little did I know, we had to dress like it was winter outside.

Saturday night we went to our friends Temre and Gary's house for a bbq. We had a great time and the girls were so good with their daughter, Ella. When I'm around babies... I want another one! I know I don't ever want to be pregnant again but I miss the baby stage so much!! I asked Peyton if she wanted a baby brother or sister and she said no, immediately. As I said before, Temre and Gary have Ella on the best sleeping schedule ever. We had a great time and food was so good. What more could you ask for... good food, good company, and the kids in a great mood. See how cute Ella is!


  1. Too cute!!! Looks like you had a fun weekend!!! Love the Hello Kitty hat, and OMG, Ella in those sunglasses. Love.

  2. I love the sunglasses pic...I didn't know you took that one! Let's get together again soon!!!!
