August 30, 2010

Peyton Is Starting Kindergarten

I can't believe Peyton is going to start kindergarten in 3 days. We have purchased all her school supplies, her backpack, lunch box, school clothes and shoes. Grammie also came by this weekend with some adorable school clothes for Peyton. She is very excited to start school and I know she will meet so many new friends since she is such a social butterfly. Of course, I do have a couple concerns.

Our little Peyton loves to sleep in every morning. Sometimes she wakes up after 9:00 a.m. School starts at 8:15, on the dot, so Little Miss Peyton is going to have a rude awakening come Thursday morning when she's woken up at 7:15. Oh, how I hope she wakes up in a good mood, eats her breakfast and puts her clothes on. Grammie recently summed up Peyton for me regarding time... Peyton is a on 48 hour day, while the rest of us are on a 24 hour day. We call her Slow Poke McGee and she has no sense of urgency. We must be ready for school and out the door by 7:55 a.m. I really pray our mornings go smoothly and Peyton wakes up in a wonderful mood. And more importantly, I hope we make it to school on time.

We recently went to Peyton's school to find out who her teacher is, which kids are in her class and what time she will start school. We heard that Peyton's teacher is wonderful with kids. Geoff and I were both shocked to hear that there are 29 kids in Peyton's class. I can't imagine teaching 29 kids at once. I figured there would be a teacher's aid or something, nope. Geoff and I both agreed, we need to volunteer at Peyton's school as much as we can. I truly commend teacher's out there for their wisdom, patience, support, and the love they have for our children.

Last, but not least, Peyton needs to decide what she is going to wear on her first day of school. She has lots to choose from so we'll see what she picks out on Wednesday night.

This is photo of Peyton on her first day of preschool, September 7, 2009.

August 28th Weekend

August 21st Weekend

Sorry this post is so late as the girls haven't been feeling well.

We had a rough start to our weekend as Logan's fever, which started on Thursday night, was still there on Saturday. I must say, I truly hate it when our girls are sick. I'm the type of mom that is a very light sleeper and I am constantly feeling foreheads throughout the night when they are sick to make sure they don't have a fever in the middle of the night. I will wake up the girls in the middle of the night to give them Motrin and a drink, which will hopefully cool them down. I recently heard about people getting seizures from having a high fever and I freaked. Thank goodness, Logan's fever stayed steady at around 101. Once the magic Motrin kicked in, she was back to her little silly self during the day.

I headed to the Target in the late morning on Saturday and when I arrived home, Geoff said that Peyton looked a little green and went upstairs to take a nap. Wait a minute... Peyton hasn't taken a nap (besides falling asleep in the car occasionally) in over two years! The girl doesn't nap so I knew something wasn't right. I headed to her room, and there she was, laying in her bed. I checked her temperature and she had a fever too! We were so bummed because we missed our friend's second birthday party and we also missed dinner with our good friends. We also missed my mom's birthday celebration as well on Sunday. Motrin seemed to keep the girls' fevers down for a while, but the fever always came back. Logan ended having a fever for 8 days and Peyton for 5 days. Fast forward to Wednesday, August 25th, I stayed home from work and took the girls to the doctor's office since they still had fevers. The doctor's checked the girls and said they both had red throats, so he did a strep test on them. Let's just say, both girls ended being put on antibiotics. I was happy to find out there was something causing the fevers. They truly had no symptoms, except having a 101 fever.

Ok, back to Friday night... Geoff and I had a chance to go to dinner Friday night as Grammie watched the girls. We first met up with our good friend Annie at El Ranchito in Corona Del Mar. After I snacked on chips and salsa and Geoff and Annie had a cocktail, we said goodbye to Annie and hello to my boss Kyle and his wife Joi. We went to dinner at Bungalow and I must say, the food was awesome! We had a very nice dinner and headed home to the girls. I was worried since Logan had a bit of a fever before we left. They were in good hands with Grammie.

Saturday afternoon, Geoff went to his fantasy football draft so it was just the girls and I. After Peyton woke up from her nap (see above), I decided we needed to do something very mellow since the girls weren't feeling well. I found little piggy banks that the girls could decorate with paint and stinkers by Melissa & Doug. I decided to put down place mats in front of the girls, while they were painting. Note to self, next time put down an entire table cloth. The girls enjoyed decorating the piggy banks but I think Logan enjoyed painting herself more. Logan did get a little paint on our dinner table, and of course, I can't get it off.

Grammie came over to the house in the late afternoon to play with the girls. I recently bought sidewalk chalk so we all went outside and made pictures on the cement in the backyard.

August 11, 2010

Professional Photos Of The Girls

My friend June had a photographer at her daughter Megan's first birthday party. Check out how cute the professional photos turned out. I love them!


Check out Logan putting on lipstick.

August 8, 2010

August 8th Weekend

Friday night, the girls and I headed to my parent's house for dinner. Geoff was golfing earlier in the day, so he stayed home and hung out with his friend John.

Auntie Carol made a really yummy dinner and she also made Star Wars cookies for the girls to decorate. The girls did such a good job and we brought an entire plate full of cookies home for daddy.

Saturday, our neighbors had a waterslide in front of their house for a birthday party. Logan was so excited to give it a try.

Saturday night, we went to my best friend Linda's house for dinner. Peyton and Logan had so much fun playing with Linda's daughter, Emma. They all rode on Razors and it scared the heck out of me. Peyton was keeping a close eye on Emma so she could figure out how to ride the Razor. Let's just say I was a little nervous, but Peyton really got the hang of it. We didn't leave their house until after 11:00 p.m and I was the only one awake on the way home.

Sunday morning, I got a chance to do some shopping by myself. I was on a mission to buy a pair of shoes. I headed towards SCP and decided to start at Nordstrom Rack... I was only successful in buying a pair of school shoes for Peyton. Next stop, DSW. I found a pair of shoes that were on sale. I never have luck at those kind of stores for some reason. I left DSW and decided to head home. I ended up taking the girls to Rachel's house so they could go swimming. Peyton wanted to show me how she can do a hand stand in the pool and instead she ended up doing a flip under water. She was so excited when she came up out of the water. Logan had her floaties on her arms and she was getting very brave. It started to get super cold outside so we decided it was time to get out of the pool and run home to say bye to daddy since he was leaving for work.

The Circus Is In Town

Geoff took the girls to the circus this past Wednesday at the Pond. Our friend Julie was able to get us tickets in a suite. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to go because I had to work. Booo! Geoff said the girls had fun. Logan ended up falling asleep towards the end of the show since it was pretty dark inside the Pond. When I got home from work, they were so excited to tell me how much fun they had. They said they especially liked the elephants.