June 3, 2011

And They Danced.....

A local dance studio had a free ballet class for kids from ages 4 to 6. A group of my friends and I decided to sign the girls up for the class. Logan is only 3 so she stayed home with daddy. It ended up being a super cute event put on by the studio that included, arts and crafts, a dance class and an Alice in Wonderland ballet performance that had all kids from the studio in it.

After the class, Peyton decided she wanted to take a hip hop class. Apparently, ballet is not meant for her (yet). I signed both girls up for their dance classes through the Boys & Girls Club. Peyton is loving her hip hop class. They are learning a routine with the new J. Lo song. The girls in Peyton's class are a little older (9 and 13), but the teacher was very impressed by the fact that this was her first real dance lesson. I will be posting a video later of her doing the routine.

Logan's first ballet class was apparently too overwhelming for her since a BOY was in her class. Yes, a boy! She started the dance class off with a big smile and the minute she saw a little boy in the class, she ran to me and started crying. The entire 50 minutes... she cried. She didn't understand why a boy was in her ballet class. I tried to explain to her that boys like to dance and they can take ballet too, but she didn't get it. At first I thought, great, I justed wasted $30! Then I thought, we are going to go to the next dance class... even if she cries again. Well, the next week started out like the first, and then, about 10 minutes in to the class she went out on the dance floor and danced! She had such a big smile on her face and she participated in everything the teacher was doing. She ran over during the class and said she was having so much fun. Proud mommy! I just love seeing her dance around in the little ballet outfit. I think her favorite part of the class is at the end, when the teacher gives all the kids a stamp on their hand. You like how Logan asked for two?

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