June 5, 2011

Bye Bye Training Wheels

I'm the proudest mommy ever!!! Peyton is riding her bike, without training wheels!!!

On Saturday, my neighbor came over and we were chatting about taking Peyton's training wheels off her bike. She made the suggestion that she would show Peyton how to ride her bike without training wheels. I told her, go ahead and take the training wheels off so she headed home to get her tool kit. Peyton was a little nervous at first, I could just see it in her face that she really wanted to give this a try. I was so proud, she fell a couple times...gracefully of course. My neighbor was so patient with Peyton and she just kept getting back on the bike to keep trying again. A big thank you to my neighbor!

Sunday came around and the first thing Peyton wanted to do was go outside to practice riding her bike. Logan said she wanted to take her training wheels off too. Unfortunately, Logan is still in a tricycle. he he... Check out the helmet on Logan that Auntie Carol bought her for Easter.

This is how our Sunday started...

And, this is how our Sunday ended... (check the smile on my girl!) She's awesome!

Peyton's Sunday ended with a bike ride to the end of the street, with my neighbor!

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