June 24, 2011

Father's Day

We made breakfast for daddy on Father's day, and Grammie joined us too. In the afternoon, we headed to my brother's house to celebrate with my family. Peyton and Logan have been obsessed with climbing trees. I think they spent most of their time in Uncle John's avocado tree.

Daddy with the girls.  Happy Father's Day!

I didn't dress Logan... that's all I have to say about this photo. :)

Climbing the avocado tree with Uncle John.

Can you find Peyton in this picture?

The girls had so much fun riding the skateboard with Madi.

Nolan took Peyton's helmet.

My daddy getting emotional over the card my mom got him.

1 comment:

  1. OMG. I love Peyton's boots!!! And speaking of your mom, I hope she is doing well. XOXO to you and yours!!!
