August 1, 2011

Sauvie Island Farms

Today we went to a farm to pick various berries. My girls have never done this before, so I thought they would enjoy learning about where the fruit comes from and how it grows. Logan gags at the site of most fruit, so I wasn't sure how she would do. To my surprise, she only got grossed out once while picking raspberries. She squashed one in her hand and didn't want to wipe the juices on her pants. Peyton really enjoyed picking and eating the berries. If it wasn't so hot, we would have stayed a lot longer to pick veggies too.

My sister made raspberry jelly this evening with all the raspberries we picked. Hope I have room in my suitcase to bring some home.
The farm is located right outside of Portland, on a cute little island.
That's Mount St. Helens in the background.
We rode on a tractor to get to the good berries at the farm.
Let the raspberry picking begin.
Since Logan hates fruit so much, I was surprised to get this shot of her.
Logan picked a flower for me.
I think Peyton ate more raspberries than she picked.
It was getting too hot so we moved on to picking blueberries.
After the blueberries, we picked flowers. 
I had to change the girls because it was so hot!
Logan said she picked this flower for Grammie.
The flowers were so beautiful!
I love lavendar.
My sweet girls!
A wagon ride back to the cashier to pay for our flowers.
They loved picking the flowers.

1 comment:

  1. Love this post and all of your Oregon posts. Miss you lots but glad to see you are having so much fun. The girls look adorable, as always. XOXO
