August 14, 2011

A Summer Birthday Party and Dinner With Friends

Our neighbor celebrated his 10th birthday with a summer themed party. Mom rented the biggest waterslide that took up their entire yard. They had the waterslide for 3 days so we celebrated with the birthday boy the entire weekend. The girls and I had so much fun on the waterslide. The adults even had a day of sliding on Sunday.

The waterslide was so big!
The birthday boy.
Our neighbor with her daughter... we were all having that much fun!

Our good friends came over for dinner on Saturday night. Did I get the cutest pictures of these girls or what? I truly hope they are friends forever since they have all known each other since they were born. We can't wait to meet baby number three! (No, not me... our friend!)

After going on the waterslide on Sunday, we all went to our neighbor's house for some night time swimming. Don't you just love summer?

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