August 5, 2011

Some Random Photos From Our Trip

Shea took the girls to a special dinner while I went to a soccer game with my sis.
Peyton relaxing, while playing her DS.
More relaxing.
Candace and Peyton
We stopped here on our way home from Black Butte.  Beautiful place!
Peyton was not a happy camper.  Logan, happy as could be on dad's shoulders.
Mark and Geoff.
We saw racoons in a tree right next to our cabin in Black Butte. 
There were 3 baby racoons too!
Peyton slip n sliding at Black Butte.
Dad showing Peyton how to golf.
It was getting dark and I didn't want bugs to attack her so this is why she looks like a supermodel.
Shea and Peyton at the park next to my sister's house.
Logan and Shea at the park.
Shea is making sure Logan doesn't fall. 

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