June 21, 2010

Father's Day Weekend

Daddy went to Chicago for 4 days to watch the Angels play the Cubs and sadly, he missed our Father's Day celebration. The girls were so excited to make cute videos in the morning to wish daddy a happy day. We sent them on the iPhone so he could get them in Chicago. I think it made his day. :)

Friday morning, Peyton's school had a Father's Day celebration called "donuts with dad". Since Geoff was out of town, my dad took Geoff's place. My dad said Peyton was so excited to show him around her classroom.

Saturday morning, I had a soccer game so my parents watched the girls. We lost, so no more soccer for a while! In the afternoon, we went to Grammie's house so the girls could go swimming. Peyton is doing so good! Logan just wanted to put her feet in and then she was over it. :)

Sunday morning, the girls and I headed to my parent's house to celebrate Father's Day with my dad and family. Peyton is so funny... she asked if she could pick out a dress for her and Logan to wear to my parent's house. Well, she picked out their Christmas dresses! I figured since they only wore them once, why not. Plus, Peyton was so excited to show me the dresses she picked out. I couldn't dare tell her no!

My mom made such a wonderful breakfast including, french toast, bacon, ham, sausage and a fruit salad, which my brother made. We got my dad a really cool espresso maker and bunch of coffee to go with it.

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