June 15, 2012

Peyton's Performance and Movie Night

Peyton's school recently had a performance honoring the work of composer Aaron Copland. Peyton's class sang a song, while others performed dance numbers and displayed art work, to name a few. Each grade did something a little different. Peyton's class was instructed to wear red, white and blue for the performance. How cute is her little outfit?

Friday night the girls and I decided to have movie night.  Yes, that meant, we completed our first item off our Summer Bucket List.  I picked out the movie, and it happens to be one of my favorites... The Sandlot.  Since both the girls are so into watching the Angels play, I figured it would be a cute movie for them to watch.  They loved it and couldn't wait to tell dad all about the movie Saturday morning after their gymanstics class.

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