June 7, 2012

Swim Lessons, Gymnastics, Baking and Dancing

Over the weekend, the girls had their first swim lesson for the year. Each session was one half hour. Peyton loved it. She already knows how to swim but she needs to work on her technique and breathing. Logan on the other hand is afraid to get in the water without her floaties on her arms. She was a bit nervous once we arrived and she actually cried at the beginning of her lesson. Once she realized how shallow the pool was, she was fine. She actually enjoyed herself. She had this big grin on her face during the lesson and she kept waving at me. The girls ended up having the same instructor. He was a really nice young guy. I wish he would have pushed the girls a little more, but I understand it was their first lesson at a new swim school. In general, I was so pleased the way their lesson turned out.

The girls also had their first gymnastics lesson Saturday morning. Earlier in the week, I told the girls that I signed them up for gymnastic classes and they were estatic! Saturday morning came and they were so excited to get ready for their class. In the past, I have signed up Peyton for tumbling classes, but this was her first real gymnastics class. Both the girls LOVED it! Their classes lasted one hour. They are not in the same class because of their age difference, but it was cute watching them try to find each other during their class. I could see them waving to each other from afar. I signed the girls up for the Saturday classes for the entire summer. Our family room has turned in to a gymastics playground!

Saturday afternoon, we went swimming at Auntie Carol's house, baked yummy cupcakes and played Wii Just Dance.

I love the freckles!

Peyton licked the bowl clean.

Wii - Just Dance... she loves it!!

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