September 28, 2012

5 Favorites

The girls are growing up so fast. I can't believe how fast 2012 has already flown by. Is it really going to be October soon? Since they are growing so fast, I figured I would document a few of their favorite things. Things they are totally in to right now. Here goes....

  1. Reading chapter books. Junie B. Jones books are currently her favorite.
  2. Playing soccer. She's following in mom and dad's footsteps.
  3. Getting her nails painted.
  4. She loves to make up dance routines to songs. She's obsessed with Kidz Bop 22.
  5. She loves to do her hair. She's in to bows, flowers, hand bands… you name it, she wants it in her hair.
  1. Helping mom in the kitchen. She LOVES to bake.
  2. She still loves playing with her dollies. She's the best mommy ever.
  3. Reading Brown Bear, Brown Bear to mommy every night at bedtime.
  4. She makes the cutest family portraits. She brings one home from school just about every day.
  5. Peanut butter sandwiches. I think she could eat one for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Love these girls!

{Big Hugs From Mommy}

September 27, 2012

A Special Meet and Greet

The girls got a chance to meet their favorite Angels player Mike Trout this past Saturday. They were so excited on the car ride over to the Oakley store. He was there for about 2 hours doing an autograph session for his fans. We got to have a special meet and greet with him and the girls were completely tongue tied the second they saw him. They were speechless and just giggled. Mike finally picked up Logan and Peyton so I could take a picture of the three of them. They were being extra shy around him for some reason. For his rookie season, Mike has to carry around the pink Hello Kitty everywhere he goes until the end of the regular season.

I think I would rather carry around a Hello Kitty doll as opposed to dressing up like Lady Gaga. That's a picture of Mike Trout when he dressed up like the fashionista last year. Poor rookies...
{Geoff and Trout before a game last week}

September 24, 2012

Race for the Cure 2012

On Sunday, we participated in the Race for the Cure in memory of my mom, in celebration of one of my co-workers, and in celebration of our family friend, Nancy. It's such an amazing and emotional day.

My sister Carol's shirt said it all… I just want my Mom back. I still can't comprehend that a heart attack took my mom in April of this year. It's hard to believe it was just 2 years ago when she found out she had breast cancer. My mom was such a fighter when she was going through chemo. She never wanted us to worry about her and she lived every day to the fullest. 

There were about 18,000 people that participated in the race this year. Such an awesome turnout. My mom survived breast cancer and I do believe Susan G. Komen has helped make huge discoveries in finding new and better ways to detect breast cancer at its earliest stages. Early detection is so important!

{The race begins}

{Team Cattich Patch}

{The finish line}

{Carol, Nancy and Madi}

September 23, 2012


The space shuttle Endeavour landed in California on Friday and I was completely intrigued by it all. I attempted to follow it on Twitter as it toured various landmarks in California. I was hoping to get a glimpse but unfortunately, it didn't make it's way towards Irvine. I was excited to learn that Peyton got a chance to see it fly by when she was at school. My mother in law got to see it as well. I searched the internet and found all these photos. I know, I'm a dork but I think it's all so cool and amazing.

{Leaving Mojave Desert}
{On its way to No Cal}

{A close-up}

{Flying by the State Capitol}

{Another shot by the State Capitol}

{Flying by the Golden Gate Bridge... My dad's favorite}

{San Fran with the Bay Bridge off in the distance}

{Love this San Fran picture}

{Passing by the Bay Bridge}

{Griffith Observatory}

{Another favorite, flying by the Hollywood sign}

{The LA skyline}

{God Bless America}

{Flying by Paramount Studios}

{That's Santa Monica Pier down there}

{Passing by Dodger Stadium}

{There's Disneyland}
{And my favorite... passing by Angel Stadium}

{Passing by Grammie's work}
{About to land at LAX}

{Touchdown at LAX}

{From Nasa.... A U.S. Flag is flown out of the top of the Suttle Carrier Aircaft (SCA) as it taxis with space shuttle Endeavour atop Friday, Sept. 21, 2012, at Los Angeles International Airport. Endeavour, built as a replacement for space shuttle Challenger, completed 25 missions, spent 299 days in orbit, and orbited Earth 4,671 times while traveling 122,883,151 miles. Beginning Oct. 30, the shuttle will be on display in the California Science center's Samuel Oschin Space Shuttle Endeavour Display Pavilion, embarking on its new mission to commemorate past achievements in space and educate and inspire future generations of explorers.}

September 20, 2012

Little Peyton

I came across these photos the other day and I just had to post them here. These were taken 3 years ago at a friend’s wedding. As you can see, Peyton was the flower girl. These bring a big smile to my face.

These photos also remind me that I clearly need to take a photography class and a class to teach me how to use Photoshop.

September 18, 2012

Peyton's First Soccer Game of the Season

Saturday was one of the hottest days we've had in a long time. Peyton's soccer game was at 9:00 a.m., thank goodness. We were so happy to have the first game of the day.

Peyton moved up a division, so one thing I noticed about the field was that it's bigger than the one she played on last year. The goals were bigger too.

{2, 4, 6, 8... who do we appreciate....}

{I think they really enjoyed the tunnel}

{It was so hot after the game so we pulled out the homemade Popsicles}

{Check out that red face}
We get to cross another item off our Bucket List... Make homemade Popsicles.