September 9, 2012

Ko Olina ~ Day 6

My dad, Candace and I went to Pearl Harbor on Thursday. As we entered the parking lot, this beautiful rainbow appeared. I'm so glad we went to visit as I truly learned so much while I was there. Such an amazing tribute.

I was shocked to learn that there is still oil coming up from the USS Arizona.

Beautiful plumeria's outside Pearl Harbor.

The kids fed the koi fish at the hotel.

The girls got a chance to take hula lessons at the hotel.  They loved every minute of it.  I could watch them dance for hours!

The girls with their instructors.

One last trip to the beach before going home.

Another amazing sunset!

Love my sister!!!!

My yummy lava flow.  My only drink on vacation.

Dinner for my birthday and Karen & Mark's anniversary.

A special treat for my birthday.

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