September 28, 2012

5 Favorites

The girls are growing up so fast. I can't believe how fast 2012 has already flown by. Is it really going to be October soon? Since they are growing so fast, I figured I would document a few of their favorite things. Things they are totally in to right now. Here goes....

  1. Reading chapter books. Junie B. Jones books are currently her favorite.
  2. Playing soccer. She's following in mom and dad's footsteps.
  3. Getting her nails painted.
  4. She loves to make up dance routines to songs. She's obsessed with Kidz Bop 22.
  5. She loves to do her hair. She's in to bows, flowers, hand bands… you name it, she wants it in her hair.
  1. Helping mom in the kitchen. She LOVES to bake.
  2. She still loves playing with her dollies. She's the best mommy ever.
  3. Reading Brown Bear, Brown Bear to mommy every night at bedtime.
  4. She makes the cutest family portraits. She brings one home from school just about every day.
  5. Peanut butter sandwiches. I think she could eat one for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Love these girls!

{Big Hugs From Mommy}

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