February 22, 2010

Celebrating Logan's Birthday at Grandma and Papas

On Sunday we went to grandma and papa's house to celebrate Logan's birthday. Logan fell asleep on the way to their house and ended up taking a two hour nap. Grandma made Logan a very special cake which she frosted and let Peyton decorate. Peyton had so much fun decorating. She started off by spelling her own name on the cake. Grandma had to remind her the cake was for Logan. The cake turned out so cute and Peyton had so much fun decorating with a little help from grandma. They used these really cool cake decorating pens.

Logan woke from her long nap and we sat down for dinner. Grandma made chicken and rice. Once we were finished with dinner, Logan and Peyton decided it was time to open presents. Logan wanted to open the presents all by herself. Every time Peyton tried to help, Logan would say "No Sissy"! Auntie Carol gave Logan a stuffed Elmo and an Elmo book, which she LOVED!!! I gave Logan a mini baby stroller so she was very excited to put her new Elmo in it and take him for a ride. Grandma and papa gave Logan a really cute kisses book and more stocks.

Cake time... The girls were so excited to sing happy birthday and eat cake. Logan was so cute standing on the chair when we were singing to her. She had the biggest smile on her face. Peyton helped Logan blow out her candle. Logan only wanted to dip her candle in the cake and lick the frosting off. I had to take it from her because she was starting to bite in to the candle. The girls ended up making a big mess of the cake. Grandma let them dig their fingers and faces in the cake and then it was off to the tub. Both girls were covered in frosting!

We headed home around 8:45 and Peyton fell asleep on the way home however, Logan was bright eyed the entire drive home! Between the two hour nap and too much cake, she didn't fall asleep until after 10:00 p.m. The girls had a great time and everyone made Logan's birthday very special!

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