February 11, 2010

Things Are Looking Up!

These past few days have been way easier then or first night. Yesterday, grammie picked up the girls from school which really helped. We ordered Chinese food from our favorite restaurant. I still have a ton of leftovers. Logan stayed asleep the entire night in her crib and Peyton showed up in our bed around 6:30 a.m. I was super happy to get 7 hours of sleep. Logan was really tired from school. She is still miserable when I drop her off in the morning. However, she is all smiles when I pick her up. She is so cute when she runs to me with a huge smile on her face as she screams Mommy! Peyton ended up getting a note from the teacher yesterday. Let's just say she needed to use her listening ears better. So last night grammie and Peyton wrote a note to her teacher stating she was sorry and she will be a better listener. This morning Peyton delivered the note to her teacher and she gave P a big hug!! Peyton also ended up being class leader today. She was very excited to tell me when I picked them up today. Peyton's class had part one of a two part Valentine celebration. She came home with some really cute and creative cards. We will bring ours tomorrow for part two of the party. Logans teacher said she did much better today then yesterday. We'll see how tomorrow goes.

My dad called today to let me know that he and my mom are going to take Peyton to the broadway show Lion King at the Performing Arts Center in June. I think she will enjoy it. We've got the book and video so we will revisit those soon.

As for the weekend... Grammie is picking the girls up from school tomorrow. Sat. we are going to papa and grandma's house. Sun. we have Peyton's best friends 4th birthday party. Oh, and we will celebate Valentines day too. Busy weekend but I'm so glad we are off Monday!!! Yipee...

The girls are sound asleep, and they have been that way since 9:00. I'm off to start the dishwasher and fold some laundry. I was able to put away two baskets full earler while the kids were playing in their room. Nighty night !

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