February 18, 2010

Valentine's Day and Birthday Party

The girls and I had a great Valentine's Day. We went to Peyton's friend's birthday party. It was at park in Newport Beach and it was so beautiful outside, you could even see the ocean. The girls had so much fun playing, eating, and running around. Peyton got her face painted with a happy face on one cheek and a rainbow on the other. The food was so yummy too! There was mexican food and hotdogs. The girls and I ate so much food! All the kids played great together. I felt like I was chasing Logan around the entire time. She's a little dare devil. At one point Logan said she wanted to go down the slide all by herself (which wasn't a great idea) and she flew right off the end of the slide and landed on her back. She got up, brushed herself off and run back to the stairs for more with a big smile on her face.

After the party, Peyton went to her friend's house for a playdate. It really helped me out because by the time Logan and I got home, Logan was feeling a bit warm and needed a nap. Around 6:00 p.m I received a call that Peyton was ready to come home and she too was running a bit warm too. I ended up taking Logan's temperature around 6:00 p.m. and it was up to 102!!! Motrin to the rescue! The rest of the night we just relaxed on the sofa for some much needed rest. Even though the girls weren't feeling all that well, they certainly were in great moods!

Around 7:00 p.m. I realized I didn't have dinner yet so Rachel and David stopped by to bring me dinner which was so sweet!! Rachel ended up staying and helping me get the girls to bed. She read a book to Peyton and they prayed for mommy and daddy before she fell asleep.

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