February 9, 2010

Daddy's on his way to Arizona for Spring Training

Now that Geoff will be in Arizona for two months, I figured this blog would be a great way for him to keep up with what's going on at home. I plan to post lots of pictures and videos because I don't want him to miss a thing! Thank you to all my friends who have blogs! You are all so creative and inspiring.

So here we go...

Daddy left today for Arizona, bright and early. I woke the girls up at 7:15 a.m. and Logan's first comment was, "daddy, I go see daddy." She proceeded to go downstairs and call for daddy. I told her daddy left for work. Her next comment was, "cereal mommy." Cereal is her absolute favorite! I then went upstairs and told Peyton that daddy left this morning but he'll be back soon. She asked if Arizona was far away and I said no, we can drive there in a car or fly in a plane to see daddy. The first morning ended up going well. The girls were at school by 8:05 a.m. and I was at work at 8:30 a.m. Poor Logan was not happy to start her second day of preschool. She cried when I left which made me so sad. The teacher picked her up and I could hear her crying as I was going to my car. It makes me sad however, I'm sure by now she's doing well. We'll see how tonight goes! We're going to work on Valentine cards today for school. Now that Logan started preschool yesterday I have to make another trip to Target to pick out cards for her. Wow, it's never ending!

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