February 12, 2010

Valentines Party At School

Peyton was very excited this morning to get all ready for her Valentine's party at school today! She picked out her outfit all by herself. She asked me if I would take a picture of her with the balloons. When we arrived at school today she went straight to the teacher to show her all the Valentine cards she made. She hid them in her cubby so none of the kids would see them. She can't wait to pass them out to all the kids once the party starts.

I was able to snap a picture of Logan too, she didn't want me to take it for whatever reason. Logan wasn't a happy camper when I dropped her off today. I thought today would be better... not so much. She seemed happy when we were in Peyton's class. Once we started walking towards her class, she started crying. Logan is having a Valentine's party today as well. I'm sure she'll have a great day! Grammie is picking the girls today so that will be a surprise for them at school today.

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