April 28, 2010

Things Peyton Loves

I decided to compile a list of all the things Peyton and Logan love now. That way, when they're older, I can check back to this list and remind them of all the things they enjoyed when they were 4 and 2. Below is Peyton's list, Logan's is in the post below this one.

Having her nails painted.

Wearing her flip flops… she must have 10 pairs!

Watching Angels baseball on TV. She loves going to the games too, but we watch on TV more than we go.

Playing catch with daddy. Peyton loves to throw footballs or her big bouncy ball.

Playing games on my Iphone.

Twisting her hair with her finger. She does this ALL the time and she gets some really big knots in her hair. We are constanting reminding her to stop twisting.

Painting and coloring pictures.

Playing outside with the neighbor kids.

Riding her bike. She insists that one time around our block is not enough.

Going shopping at Target. (just like mom)

Spending time with her Grammie. Peyton gets super excited when she hears Grammie is picking her up from school or coming over to the house.

Typing in Microsoft Word. She loves to play on the computer. She is very good at games on sites like Nick Jr.

Reading books! She absolutely loves to read. Before we go to bed, she always tells me, "Mommy, I pick out the best books to read, don't I."

Going to Disneyland. She loves to go on rides that spin with daddy and taking pictures with all the characters.

Swimming in Grammie's pool or Grandma and Papa's pool. Peyton will have swim lessons soon!

Eating frozen grapes. My neighbor got her in to this one.

Wearing hand bands. Thanks to Grammie, she has lots to choose from.

Helping mommy cook.

Requesting that one of her friend's mommies pick her up from school so she can have a play date.

Displaying her art work from school around the house.

Going to the beach to play in the sand and water.

Listening to music… she loves her Kids Bop CDs.

Folding hand towels. Whenever I wash towels, she loves to fold the hand towels and put them in the basket in the bathroom.

Playing hide and seek inside the house.

Wiping down the kitchen table. She loves to spray cleaner on the table. It's usually soaking wet after she sprays it.

Doing the twirley whurley dance from Yo Gabba Gabba.

Pretending she is a school teacher and Logan and I are her students.

Snuggling while trying to fall asleep. She always asks daddy or I to snuggle with her in bed.

Putting money in her piggy bank. Any change she finds lying around, ends up in her piggy bank… she's got three!

Playing board games like Connect Four and Candyland.

Trying to go across monkey bars all by herself.

Going to the Yogurtland so she can pick which yogurt she wants and put toppings on it all by herself. She likes gummy worms best.

Eating at Corner Bakery…. she would eat their every night if she could!

Picking flowers from our neighbor's rose bushes. She asked if I would put the vase full of flowers in her room.

Peeling oranges all by herself. Peyton loves fruit, which is great!

Having her friends come over for a play date.

Playing with bubbles. Our backyard is full of bubble toys.

Looking at I Spy Books.

And last but not least... she loves to wake up in her bed around 3:00 a.m. and come in to mommy and daddy's bed. I think this is her favorite thing right now. :)

Things Logan Loves!

Here are some of the things Logan loves at 2.

Taking pictures using my Iphone and scrolling through the pictures too.

Strings!!! She loves to play with strings. She will pull strings from jackets, my sweat pants, etc.

Blowing bubbles. She still is trying to get the hang of blowing softly so more than one bubble floats away.

Watching the Upside Down Show on Nick Jr. Logan calls it the Silly Guy Show.

Holding a baby at all times, Logan loves her babies and her stroller.

Asking for a bowl of cereal the minute she wakes up. Her favorite cereal is Wheat Chex and she has to pick out her spoon all by her self.

Reading books before bed, Peyton and Logan each get to pick one book to read every night.

Going for walks in her buggy.

Eating string cheese… she eats one every day.

Playing in sand or dirt with shovels and buckets, she could do this for hours.

Watering our garden.

Anything Elmo.

Brushing her teeth. She would do it 10 times a day if I would let her.

Putting bubbles in the bath.

Looking at my cookbooks. She says "nummy" when she sees pictures of something she likes.

Being very independent, if you try to help her, she will tell you, "no, I can do it."

Sitting in the driver seat of the car. Of course the car is off and the keys are not in the car. I think this brings her the most joy! The smile and excitement in her face when she holds on to the steering wheel is priceless.

Asking for a glass of milk before she goes to bed every night. She requests I put the cup in the microwave as well for a couple seconds.

Wearing sunglasses.

Dancing to music and trying to sing along to the words.

Viewing my camera after I take a picture of her. The second I take the picture she says, "I see momma."

Eating cake… usually at birthday parties because I don't bake cakes.

Going to the park. Her favorite is the slide and the swings.

Putting puzzles together. Logan plays with the little wooden puzzles that make sounds when you put the puzzle piece in the correct place.

Stepping on her sister's puzzles. Peyton has several large puzzles and Logan loves to step on them the minute Peyton has finished putting it together.

Playing in water. She enjoys the beach and swimming pools. She starts swim lessons next month, hope it goes well for her.

Being in her mommy's arms. One of her favorite sayings is "uppy mommy, uppy". I think I hear that at least 20 times per day. Not sure how my left arm is not twice the size of my right since I hold her so much.

Going to Momma Kay's house. Logan loves her daycare so much that she asks to go there during the weekend as well. She says, "I go to Momma Kay's house?"

Building a tower with blocks.

Wearing mommy and Peyton's flip flops and the pretend princess shoes.

Most of all, she loves her sister! Logan always wants to know where her sister is when she wakes up. Logan loves to give Peyton a hug when they see each other in the morning, it's so cute! They get a long with each other so well (most of the time). :)

April 25, 2010

Nice And Relaxing Weekend

Here are the details regarding our fun and relaxing weekend.

Geoff ended working until 4:30 a.m. on Friday morning (those darn Yankees) so I got the kids ready for school and daycare. Of course we were running late, so I decided to take both Peyton and Logan to Momma Kay's house Friday morning. They must have had a great time at Momma Kay's house because they both fell asleep on the way home. I finally woke them up at 7:30 p.m. because I figured they wouldn't sleep through the night and they needed to eat dinner. They finally snapped out of being tired around 8:00 p.m. and we sat and had a very late dinner. To my surprise, they both fell asleep around 9:30 p.m. I got a chance to catch up on my shows that I Tivo. I was very sad when I found out Gossip Girl was not new! Here are a couple pictures of the girls with their Angels hat on before they went to bed. They were so excited when I told them we would visit Grammie and daddy at work on Saturday.

Saturday morning Logan woke up to Geoff's alarm around 7:00 a.m. I was hoping the girls would sleep in but Logan was awake with daddy, so I was up too since Geoff had to be at work at 8:00 a.m. The morning was filled with cleaning the house and getting the girls ready for Bryce and Caleb's birthday party at Bounce U. The girls had so much fun at the birthday party. Logan was pretty much attached to my hip, as she usually is when there are a bunch of people around. So I was climbing on the big bounce houses with her and Peyton. This was the same place Peyton had her 4th birthday party so she knew exactly which bounce houses she wanted to play on.

Once the party was over, we decided to go visit Grammie and daddy at the stadium. The baseball game ended right when the party ended so we didn't have to wait too long to see daddy. Bounce U is about 5 minutes from the stadium. When we drove away, Logan fell asleep within 2 minutes… literally! She was exhausted from running around and sliding at the party. It took a while to get through the parking lot at the stadium since the game just ended so Logan got about a 20 minute nap in. Once we walked in to Grammie's office, Logan was wide awake as if the 20 minute power nap was all she needed. Grammie took us down to the clubhouse and once the elevator doors opened, Hideku Matsui was doing an interview in the waiting area with about 20 guys from the Japanese press. My kids run out the elevator door and they were super loud calling for daddy. I immediately told them to use their inside voices and we hid in a corner until the interview was over. Once we got in to the clubhouse, the girls had a great time running around and eating all the snacks from the snack table. They were like kids in a candy store. We took a bunch of pictures inside the clubhouse.

The girls inside Bubba's office waiting for daddy to finish working.

After daddy was finished working, we headed to the field. The girls loved running around on the baseball field and playing in the bullpen. This picture turned out super cute of the girls with daddy.

Peyton ended up snacking on so much junk in the clubhouse and that night around 11:30 p.m. I could hear her tossing and turning in bed. So I woke her up to ask if she was ok and she said her tummy hurt. So we ran to the bathroom and she threw up! Poor baby!!! She did not get any on the floor, which was very exciting for me because I have a very hard time dealing with that kind of thing. I guess something didn't agree with her tummy because she was fine on Sunday.

We had no set plans on Sunday, which was WONDERFUL!! Daddy had to work at 8:00 a.m. again so it was just the girls and I. We didn't wake up until after 8:30 a.m. My focus for the morning was getting some laundry done since we were leaving for our vacation on Thursday. The girls were acting silly and playing very nicely together so I was able to get a lot done. Since the girls were being so good, I decided to take them out to lunch and shopping at Bella Terra. We had lunch at Pei Wei, which the girls LOVED!! Once we were finished lunch, we headed to the stores and browsed a bit. We ended up at Kohl's because we are in need of a new rug in the downstairs bathroom. Unfortunately, I was not successful in finding a cute rug however, the girls picked out two very cute watering cans for their garden. Kohl's has the most random things and they send me coupons all the time. So I had a $10 off coupon and basically, the water cans were pretty much free! I must say, the girls were so good while shopping. Logan ran from me once at Kohl's and Peyton chased her down. I didn't have the stroller so Logan and Peyton were free to roam. They pretty much stuck by me the whole time, which was great! We headed home around 3:00 p.m. and went straight to the backyard so I could work on the garden and the girls could play outside. Gardening is a serious workout because my legs are killing me! Once we finished in the backyard, we decided to take a walk around the neighborhood. Peyton rode her bike and I pushed Logan in her little buggy. It was so nice outside so ended up going around the block three times. Peyton is doing so well riding her bike, hopefully we can take the training wheels off soon. We finished our walk and Peyton was begging to eat at her favorite restaurant, Corner Bakery. Since the girls were so good for me today, I figured I would take them out for dinner as a treat. Peyton and Logan love the Pesto Cavatappi, so I promised we would get the mini chocolate cake if they finished all their dinner. Of course, they both finished their pasta and we went home with a mini chocolate cake… which I did not partake in.

Peyton decided she wanted to wear her backpack while eating her breakfast this morning.

We had such a nice and relaxing weekend and the girls were so good for me! We are all very excited for the trip to Oregon on Thursday. I'm hoping the girls are as good on the plane and visiting Auntie Karen's house as they were this weekend.

April 18, 2010

Dance Party

Why do the weekends have to go so fast?

Friday night we headed over to Julie and Sean's house with the girls. I had so much fun hanging out with the girls outside listening to music and chatting, while the guys were inside talking about.... what else, baseball.
Here is a picture of Peyton and Lily.... scary!!

Julie had her Ipod going so the young girls were singing and dancing. Most of the songs on Julie's Ipod are the same songs on Peyton's Kids Bop cds so she was signing along too. Check out the little ones singing and dancing. I videotaped this using my Iphone so it is not quite centered.

How cute are they.... So the entire night was full of so many laughs and good times. My cheeks hurt the entire time! I didn't want to leave however, I had to get the girls to bed and I had a soccer game at 8:00 a.m. Saturday morning. I won't get in to details about the soccer game, let's just say we lost... by a lot and I still ache and it's Sunday evening while I'm typing this.

After the soccer game, I had a much needed hair appointment to get a cut and color. I went a little blonder this time around. Which basically means, my roots will look even darker when my hair grows out.

Once I was finished at the hair salon, the entire family headed to the beach. Peyton had a great time playing in the water with her friend, even though it was a bit cold. Logan had fun too... eating sand! We ended up staying for dinner at our friend's house. We had delicious steaks and yummy potatoes. They even made brownie bites that were cooked in cupcake pans, which were to die for. I had to stop myself at two.

Logan saying... shhhh, my baby is sleeping.

Sunday was a mellow day at the house. I started my morning with a long walk. I woke up earlier so I decided to get a little exercise since I was able to sneak out before the fam woke up. Of course, I ended up walking to Target! I wanted to check out the line of shoes by Cynthia Vincent that came out this morning. I ended up with two super cute sandals and they were super inexpensive! Here is one pair I bought and I only spent $24.99. What a bargain that was and they will be perfect for summer.

Once I returned home, Logan was already eating breakfast and Peyton just woke up. The girls finished breakfast and we headed to Toys R Us to pick up a baby stroller which we are donating to Peyton's school. The girls had fun looking around at all the toys. I was shocked because we left there and I only spent $30! During the afternoon, we took out all the bubble toys and spent some time outside because the weather was perfect. Logan took a much needed nap so Peyton and I headed to Sprouts. Peyton had so much fun grocery shopping. She helped get plastic bags to put veggies and fruits in. She picked out Oranges, apples, carrots and grapes. I think her favorite part was the bins full of almonds, gummie bars, pretzels, granola, etc. She was so excited to use the scoop to put the items she picked out in to the bags. When we finished at Sprouts, she said she wanted to go back after dinner tonight. Daddy had to go to work at 6:30 so I was determined to get dinner on the table early and the kids in bed early as well. Off to bed I go.
Lately, Logan has been obsessed with her baby dolls... all 8 of them!!!

April 14, 2010

Dat Mine And Our First Family Vacation

Logan has officially reached the "MINE" stage…. she thinks EVERYTHING is hers! "Dat mine" are truly her favorite words to say right now. I find myself repeating her when she says it because it makes me giggle when I hear those words coming from her mouth. I know that's bad, but it's just too funny because half the things she thinks are hers… are not. These items include, but are not limited to: a box of cereal; Peyton's shoes; my toothbrush; all the color crayons; my Iphone; the laundry basket; the dust pan; a loaf of bread; the computer; a box of Kleenex; and my LV purse. Peyton and Logan can really get in to it when Logan tries to claim something, that is actually Peytons. Peyton will tell Logan, "no, it's mine!" and Logan will say back, "dat mine!" and back and fourth and back and fourth. I usually have to set both of them straight and remind them to share their toys with each other. For what ever reason, I don't recall this phase with Peyton, maybe that's because Logan was a new baby when Peyton was 2. I'll bet Momma Kay heard those words at daycare though… several times throughout the day. :)

I'm so VERY excited to report that the Bennett Family will officially be taking their first family vacation in two weeks!! That's right…we are going to be traveling, which means the girls will be flying in an airplane for the first time! Oh how I think of all the things I need to pack in a carry-on to keep the girls occupied. Note to self… prepare a list on the Iphone when I think of things I should not be without! We will be flying Jet Blue, which I think is a rather fine airline since they have TV's on the back of all the seats and more importantly… DIRECTV!!! I believe the girls will be somewhat occupied by the TV's alone, once we get to the proper altitude and the TV's actually turn on. One can only hope the DIRECTV stations include Nick Jr., that way I won't have to bother packing the portable DVD player. We will be traveling to visit my sister Karen and her family in Beaverton, Oregon. The flight lasts approximately 2 hours and 20 minutes, which isn't too bad. I pray for no turbulence! I have a silly concern… the flight takes off at 5:40 p.m. out of Long Beach, and if you know the LB airport, you know there are no restaurants at it. Just a silly little place that sells sandwiches, candy, soda, etc. What the heck will the girls eat for dinner? The flight doesn't land until after 8:00 p.m., which is way past dinner time and they would be starving by then. Peyton isn't too picky, so I could actually pack her a Lunchable or some cold pasta, cheese stick and crackers. Logan on the other hand is my picky eater… what's a mommy to do? I know if Geoff reads this he'll remind me that I worry about the little things however, I want to make sure the girls have a good experience on their first flight and not sitting in their seats starving and fussy.


I ordered these cute little clips from a store on Etsy named Tatertot. Logan constantly has hair in her face and these clips will be perfect for her!

Look how cute!!

April 12, 2010

The Rest Of The Weekend

Saturday afternoon was spent at our neighbor's house celebrating Abby's First Communion. Abby looked so pretty in her white dress… I'm looking forward to the day when our girls have their First Communion. It was a beautiful afternoon celebrating with their friends and family and we were glad to be a part of it.

Saturday evening we went to Jon and Keri's house to celebrate Josh's birthday. When we arrived, the girls went outside to play with all the kids. Logan was of course afraid of their dog, but she eventually got used to him. We ate yummy hotdogs and hamburgers and I brought my favorite cheese dip and chips. Keri made a very delicious chocolate cake for Josh, which both of the girls loved! By the end of the night, all the kids were getting ready for a sleepover and Peyton was trying to convince me that she wanted to stay too. Well, let's just say that didn't last too long because she eventually came home with me. I wasn't about to get in my car late night and drive back of to their house to pick her up… which has happened before. :) Logan fell asleep on the way home however, Peyton did not. So when we arrived home, we got out of the car. Peyton walked with me up the stairs as I was holding Logan and Peyton went straight to her room. I set Logan in her crib, gave her a kiss and put a blanket over her. Then, I go in to Peyton's room and I told her, "I need to get some things out of the car so mommy will be right back" and she says to me, "Mommy, your the best mommy and I love you!" She is just so darn sweet!

I'm quite impressed… Lily can hula hoop and do the running man at the same time. Unfortunately, my camera would not capture it… but you get the idea.

Sunday morning I woke up and started cleaning the house. Peyton has become a very good helper! If she was only tall enough to reach the counter tops because she loves to spray cleaner and wipe down the kitchen table. She even helped me vacuum too.

Sunday afternoon, the girls and I went to Julie's house so the girls could play with Kellan and Madison. It was very cold outside but the kids didn't mind. They loved jumping on the trampoline and playing on the swing set. At the house, they are growing lots of fruits and vegetables. Peyton and Kellan loved eating the strawberries that Julie and Sean just picked. Geoff ended up coming over after work and Peyton and Logan were so excited to show him the swing set. Peyton was showing daddy how she can go across the monkey bars and Logan showed daddy how she likes to swing. Unfortunately, Logan had a little accident and fell out of the swing. She just had a little bump under her chin… thank goodness. We headed home around 7:00, stopped and picked up dinner and the kids and Geoff went to bed. It was a very busy and exhausting weekend but we had so much fun spending it with friends!