April 5, 2010

Hoppy Easter Everybunny!

We had such an amazing Easter weekend!! The girls had so many activities and they had so much fun!

Saturday began with Logan waking up way too early so she pretty much was a crabby pants during the day. She did however, have so much fun coloring eggs. Auntie Carol and Madison came over in the late morning to help the girls color eggs. I think we broke a couple eggs in the process because the girls didn't realize how easily the eggs crack. Luckily, I cooked 36 eggs at our house and later in the evening, we went to Rachel's house and got a chance to color more! Logan loved throwing (literally) the eggs in the bowls and then she would dig her hands right in the bowls to grab the egg, making a complete mess everywhere! It was hysterical to watch her. Peyton mastered making multi color eggs with Madison. Needless to say, the girls had a great time, made a big mess, and we ended up with the cutest eggs ever!

Saturday afternoon, Logan stayed home with daddy so she could take a MUCH needed nap and Peyton and I went to the Easter egg hunt at Claire and Addison's church/preschool. Peyton really enjoyed seeing Claire's classroom. Once the girls found eggs, they got to color and then had ice cream! The girls played for a bit on the playground before we left.

Once we were finished at the Easter egg hunt, Peyton and I decided to stop by Rachel's house since we knew Logan was still taking a nap at home. Peyton got a chance to play games with Sabrina, including the Memory Game. Peyton loves to play that game, her and daddy play all the time. Peyton stayed at Rachel's house while I went home to get Logan since daddy needed to leave for work at 5:30. Logan and I had a chance to play for a bit, I took lots of pictures of her and have dinner, then we went to Rachel's house to pick up Peyton. We ended up staying and making more colored eggs with Rachel, Sarah and Sabrina.

Here are pictures of Logan... I attempted to put the girls in matching outfits for the Easter egg hunt however, Logan didn't attend. They both looked so cute in these colorful dresses from Grammie.

Sunday morning Peyton woke up really early to find her Easter basket. Grammie gave the girls these really cute glittery pink baskets with Angels' logos on them which daddy brought home the night before. Peyton absolutely loved these baskets, they even had baseball shaped eggs in them as well. After finding the Angel's baskets, Peyton found her basket from the Easter bunny and immediately wanted to open it and sample all the candy. At 7:30 a.m…. no way! I ended up getting the girls baskets from Costco this year, which was such a bargain! After Peyton went through her Easter baskets, we went outside to hide eggs for the egg hunt with the neighbors. We hid them in the front yard and backyard. The neighbors hid eggs in their front yard as well, so the kids had tons of eggs to find. They pretty much found all the eggs in less than 5 minutes.

Once the egg hunt was over, I went to church with my neighbors at this beautiful church in Huntington Beach, St. Vincent De Paul Catholic Church. They had a wonderful Easter service! I knew it was going to be very crowded and I wasn't sure how long Logan would last. Peyton went to Christmas mass with me and she did great. I wish I would have started taking them to church more often, by now they would be use to it. By the time I got home, daddy already had to leave for work so my neighbor watched the girls for a bit. We were sad daddy had to work on Easter… darn Minnesota Twins had a scheduled workout at 4:00 p.m.

We headed to Aunt Nancy and Uncle Terry's house for another Easter egg hunt. Cousin Nick was there as well to join in the fun. Logan definitely figured the egg hunt out the second time around. She ended up with more eggs in her basket then Peyton! After the egg hunt, we went inside and Grammie gave the girls bags full of TONS of goodies! Clothes, books, bathing suits, sunscreen, towel, tattoos, stickers, candy, etc. As we were going through Grammie's bags, the earthquake hit! It was a bit scary. The girls didn't really realize what was going and I was just feeling sick from the way the house was moving. After going through all the goodies for the girls, we went outside so the kids played. They had so much fun running in the backyard, playing hide and seek, and riding bikes. We had to go to my parents around 4:30 so we ended up leaving earlier then the girls would have liked to. They wanted to stay!

It is nearly impossible to get a picture of Peyton and Logan together... smiling and looking at the camera at the same time.

So we headed to my parents house for dinner… turkey and ham. YUMMY! We had our traditional homemade raviolis before dinner too, which were so good. Peyton ate so much, I was very surprised! We ended up having 16 people at the dining room table this Easter. My mom made her traditional Easter cake, which she makes every year. Speaking of my mom… my mom gave the girls' Easter baskets when we arrived and they were from Costco! She bought the girls the same ones the Easter bunny delivered in the morning. OPPS! Once we finished with dinner and dessert, the girls played the piano, played hide and seek with Madison and colored too. Daddy ended up at Grandma and Papa's house around 8:00 p.m., so we got to spend a little time with him before we went home. Both girls fell asleep on the way home because they were so exhausted! It was a wonderful Easter with family and friends.

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