April 12, 2010

Discovery Science Center

Before going to the Angels game, I picked up Peyton early from school and we went to the Discovery Science Center to see the Bubble Fest Show. We arrived just before the show began and it was very cool. Fan Yang made huge bubbles, dancing bubbles, bubbles filled with smoke, etc. Peyton went to the front of the stage and sat with all the kids. At first she was being shy and then a little girl that was sitting behind us asked her to come with her to watch the show by the stage, which she did. The show lasted a little over 40 minutes so once the show was over, we went in to the science center so Peyton could check out all the exhibits. I think Peyton enjoyed the rock climbing wall the best. It was nice to spend some one on one time with Peyton because we don't get to do that very often.

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