April 28, 2010

Things Logan Loves!

Here are some of the things Logan loves at 2.

Taking pictures using my Iphone and scrolling through the pictures too.

Strings!!! She loves to play with strings. She will pull strings from jackets, my sweat pants, etc.

Blowing bubbles. She still is trying to get the hang of blowing softly so more than one bubble floats away.

Watching the Upside Down Show on Nick Jr. Logan calls it the Silly Guy Show.

Holding a baby at all times, Logan loves her babies and her stroller.

Asking for a bowl of cereal the minute she wakes up. Her favorite cereal is Wheat Chex and she has to pick out her spoon all by her self.

Reading books before bed, Peyton and Logan each get to pick one book to read every night.

Going for walks in her buggy.

Eating string cheese… she eats one every day.

Playing in sand or dirt with shovels and buckets, she could do this for hours.

Watering our garden.

Anything Elmo.

Brushing her teeth. She would do it 10 times a day if I would let her.

Putting bubbles in the bath.

Looking at my cookbooks. She says "nummy" when she sees pictures of something she likes.

Being very independent, if you try to help her, she will tell you, "no, I can do it."

Sitting in the driver seat of the car. Of course the car is off and the keys are not in the car. I think this brings her the most joy! The smile and excitement in her face when she holds on to the steering wheel is priceless.

Asking for a glass of milk before she goes to bed every night. She requests I put the cup in the microwave as well for a couple seconds.

Wearing sunglasses.

Dancing to music and trying to sing along to the words.

Viewing my camera after I take a picture of her. The second I take the picture she says, "I see momma."

Eating cake… usually at birthday parties because I don't bake cakes.

Going to the park. Her favorite is the slide and the swings.

Putting puzzles together. Logan plays with the little wooden puzzles that make sounds when you put the puzzle piece in the correct place.

Stepping on her sister's puzzles. Peyton has several large puzzles and Logan loves to step on them the minute Peyton has finished putting it together.

Playing in water. She enjoys the beach and swimming pools. She starts swim lessons next month, hope it goes well for her.

Being in her mommy's arms. One of her favorite sayings is "uppy mommy, uppy". I think I hear that at least 20 times per day. Not sure how my left arm is not twice the size of my right since I hold her so much.

Going to Momma Kay's house. Logan loves her daycare so much that she asks to go there during the weekend as well. She says, "I go to Momma Kay's house?"

Building a tower with blocks.

Wearing mommy and Peyton's flip flops and the pretend princess shoes.

Most of all, she loves her sister! Logan always wants to know where her sister is when she wakes up. Logan loves to give Peyton a hug when they see each other in the morning, it's so cute! They get a long with each other so well (most of the time). :)

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