April 12, 2010

The Rest Of The Weekend

Saturday afternoon was spent at our neighbor's house celebrating Abby's First Communion. Abby looked so pretty in her white dress… I'm looking forward to the day when our girls have their First Communion. It was a beautiful afternoon celebrating with their friends and family and we were glad to be a part of it.

Saturday evening we went to Jon and Keri's house to celebrate Josh's birthday. When we arrived, the girls went outside to play with all the kids. Logan was of course afraid of their dog, but she eventually got used to him. We ate yummy hotdogs and hamburgers and I brought my favorite cheese dip and chips. Keri made a very delicious chocolate cake for Josh, which both of the girls loved! By the end of the night, all the kids were getting ready for a sleepover and Peyton was trying to convince me that she wanted to stay too. Well, let's just say that didn't last too long because she eventually came home with me. I wasn't about to get in my car late night and drive back of to their house to pick her up… which has happened before. :) Logan fell asleep on the way home however, Peyton did not. So when we arrived home, we got out of the car. Peyton walked with me up the stairs as I was holding Logan and Peyton went straight to her room. I set Logan in her crib, gave her a kiss and put a blanket over her. Then, I go in to Peyton's room and I told her, "I need to get some things out of the car so mommy will be right back" and she says to me, "Mommy, your the best mommy and I love you!" She is just so darn sweet!

I'm quite impressed… Lily can hula hoop and do the running man at the same time. Unfortunately, my camera would not capture it… but you get the idea.

Sunday morning I woke up and started cleaning the house. Peyton has become a very good helper! If she was only tall enough to reach the counter tops because she loves to spray cleaner and wipe down the kitchen table. She even helped me vacuum too.

Sunday afternoon, the girls and I went to Julie's house so the girls could play with Kellan and Madison. It was very cold outside but the kids didn't mind. They loved jumping on the trampoline and playing on the swing set. At the house, they are growing lots of fruits and vegetables. Peyton and Kellan loved eating the strawberries that Julie and Sean just picked. Geoff ended up coming over after work and Peyton and Logan were so excited to show him the swing set. Peyton was showing daddy how she can go across the monkey bars and Logan showed daddy how she likes to swing. Unfortunately, Logan had a little accident and fell out of the swing. She just had a little bump under her chin… thank goodness. We headed home around 7:00, stopped and picked up dinner and the kids and Geoff went to bed. It was a very busy and exhausting weekend but we had so much fun spending it with friends!

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