April 28, 2010

Things Peyton Loves

I decided to compile a list of all the things Peyton and Logan love now. That way, when they're older, I can check back to this list and remind them of all the things they enjoyed when they were 4 and 2. Below is Peyton's list, Logan's is in the post below this one.

Having her nails painted.

Wearing her flip flops… she must have 10 pairs!

Watching Angels baseball on TV. She loves going to the games too, but we watch on TV more than we go.

Playing catch with daddy. Peyton loves to throw footballs or her big bouncy ball.

Playing games on my Iphone.

Twisting her hair with her finger. She does this ALL the time and she gets some really big knots in her hair. We are constanting reminding her to stop twisting.

Painting and coloring pictures.

Playing outside with the neighbor kids.

Riding her bike. She insists that one time around our block is not enough.

Going shopping at Target. (just like mom)

Spending time with her Grammie. Peyton gets super excited when she hears Grammie is picking her up from school or coming over to the house.

Typing in Microsoft Word. She loves to play on the computer. She is very good at games on sites like Nick Jr.

Reading books! She absolutely loves to read. Before we go to bed, she always tells me, "Mommy, I pick out the best books to read, don't I."

Going to Disneyland. She loves to go on rides that spin with daddy and taking pictures with all the characters.

Swimming in Grammie's pool or Grandma and Papa's pool. Peyton will have swim lessons soon!

Eating frozen grapes. My neighbor got her in to this one.

Wearing hand bands. Thanks to Grammie, she has lots to choose from.

Helping mommy cook.

Requesting that one of her friend's mommies pick her up from school so she can have a play date.

Displaying her art work from school around the house.

Going to the beach to play in the sand and water.

Listening to music… she loves her Kids Bop CDs.

Folding hand towels. Whenever I wash towels, she loves to fold the hand towels and put them in the basket in the bathroom.

Playing hide and seek inside the house.

Wiping down the kitchen table. She loves to spray cleaner on the table. It's usually soaking wet after she sprays it.

Doing the twirley whurley dance from Yo Gabba Gabba.

Pretending she is a school teacher and Logan and I are her students.

Snuggling while trying to fall asleep. She always asks daddy or I to snuggle with her in bed.

Putting money in her piggy bank. Any change she finds lying around, ends up in her piggy bank… she's got three!

Playing board games like Connect Four and Candyland.

Trying to go across monkey bars all by herself.

Going to the Yogurtland so she can pick which yogurt she wants and put toppings on it all by herself. She likes gummy worms best.

Eating at Corner Bakery…. she would eat their every night if she could!

Picking flowers from our neighbor's rose bushes. She asked if I would put the vase full of flowers in her room.

Peeling oranges all by herself. Peyton loves fruit, which is great!

Having her friends come over for a play date.

Playing with bubbles. Our backyard is full of bubble toys.

Looking at I Spy Books.

And last but not least... she loves to wake up in her bed around 3:00 a.m. and come in to mommy and daddy's bed. I think this is her favorite thing right now. :)

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