April 18, 2010

Dance Party

Why do the weekends have to go so fast?

Friday night we headed over to Julie and Sean's house with the girls. I had so much fun hanging out with the girls outside listening to music and chatting, while the guys were inside talking about.... what else, baseball.
Here is a picture of Peyton and Lily.... scary!!

Julie had her Ipod going so the young girls were singing and dancing. Most of the songs on Julie's Ipod are the same songs on Peyton's Kids Bop cds so she was signing along too. Check out the little ones singing and dancing. I videotaped this using my Iphone so it is not quite centered.

How cute are they.... So the entire night was full of so many laughs and good times. My cheeks hurt the entire time! I didn't want to leave however, I had to get the girls to bed and I had a soccer game at 8:00 a.m. Saturday morning. I won't get in to details about the soccer game, let's just say we lost... by a lot and I still ache and it's Sunday evening while I'm typing this.

After the soccer game, I had a much needed hair appointment to get a cut and color. I went a little blonder this time around. Which basically means, my roots will look even darker when my hair grows out.

Once I was finished at the hair salon, the entire family headed to the beach. Peyton had a great time playing in the water with her friend, even though it was a bit cold. Logan had fun too... eating sand! We ended up staying for dinner at our friend's house. We had delicious steaks and yummy potatoes. They even made brownie bites that were cooked in cupcake pans, which were to die for. I had to stop myself at two.

Logan saying... shhhh, my baby is sleeping.

Sunday was a mellow day at the house. I started my morning with a long walk. I woke up earlier so I decided to get a little exercise since I was able to sneak out before the fam woke up. Of course, I ended up walking to Target! I wanted to check out the line of shoes by Cynthia Vincent that came out this morning. I ended up with two super cute sandals and they were super inexpensive! Here is one pair I bought and I only spent $24.99. What a bargain that was and they will be perfect for summer.

Once I returned home, Logan was already eating breakfast and Peyton just woke up. The girls finished breakfast and we headed to Toys R Us to pick up a baby stroller which we are donating to Peyton's school. The girls had fun looking around at all the toys. I was shocked because we left there and I only spent $30! During the afternoon, we took out all the bubble toys and spent some time outside because the weather was perfect. Logan took a much needed nap so Peyton and I headed to Sprouts. Peyton had so much fun grocery shopping. She helped get plastic bags to put veggies and fruits in. She picked out Oranges, apples, carrots and grapes. I think her favorite part was the bins full of almonds, gummie bars, pretzels, granola, etc. She was so excited to use the scoop to put the items she picked out in to the bags. When we finished at Sprouts, she said she wanted to go back after dinner tonight. Daddy had to go to work at 6:30 so I was determined to get dinner on the table early and the kids in bed early as well. Off to bed I go.
Lately, Logan has been obsessed with her baby dolls... all 8 of them!!!

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