April 2, 2010

Easter Activities

This weekend is going to filled with lots of Easter activities! Tonight we are going to make the hard boiled eggs so that they are ready for tomorrow, when Auntie Carol comes over. We are going to make Hello Kitty and Sesame Street eggs, which the girls picked out all by themselves. In the afternoon, we are going to an Easter egg hunt with Claire and Addison. I hope the weather holds up. Daddy has to work Saturday night :(. We have yet to spend a day with him. Sunday, we are going to have an Easter egg hunt at our house with our neighbors. We are going to put eggs every where between our two houses. Then, Sunday afternoon, we are going to Nancy and Terry's house for another Easter egg hunt with Geoff's family. Once the we are finished with all the egg hunts, we are going to my parents for dinner. Daddy has to work on Sunday afternoon so he will not be joining us for dinner... BUMMER! The girls are very excited for all the fun activities which will take place this weekend! Family and friends are the best!

I dug up some old pictures from prior Easters... Our girls are growing up too fast!
Peyton 2006

Peyton 2007

Peyton and Logan 2008

Auntie Carol and Aunt Jackie

Peyton and Logan 2009

All the cousins from Geoff's side of the family

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