March 25, 2010

Arizona Here I Come

Tomorrow I'm heading to Arizona to visit Geoff... without the kids. Grammie is going to watch the girls for us, which is wonderful! I leave tomorrow afternoon and return Sunday morning. During the day I plan on updating the girls baby books. I pretty much have them done but I wanted to add a little something something to them. Like scrapbooking stuff, spice them up a bit. Geoff and I will head out to dinner on Friday and Saturday. I will miss the girls so much! Tomorrow, Peyton will be going to Momma K's with Logan. She's so excited to play with all her old friends.

Geoff comes home in less then a week. Peyton asks me every day, "how many more days till daddy comes home?" I told her six more days and she said, "that's not much mommy."

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