March 21, 2010

Preschool Sunday and Visit to Grandma and Papa's House

Peyton decided she wanted to wear her Easter dress to Preschool Sunday. I figured it would be ok since she wanted to wear a special dress and according to her, she wanted to look the prettiest. She picked her headband and shoes as well. I let the girls sleep in this morning which was a mistake because we had to be at the school at 9:30 a.m. Logan woke up around 8:30 and Peyton woke up around 8:45. So we rushed to eat breakfast and get our clothes on. Grammie to the rescue!! Grammie was going to meet us at the school but instead she came to our house first to help get the girls ready, which totally saved me. We ended up getting to the school a couple minutes early and Yazmin was able to save us two seats in the front, which was great! The kids performed two very cute songs. Once the performance was over, the church had prepared lunch, rented a bounce house and there were pony rides too. The kids had a great time and they both were sad when we left.

The girls screamed... CHEESE! I love this picture!

We ended up picking up lunch on the way home and we had a picnic outside since the weather was so nice. I ended up setting up the Dora Bubble Blower and I set up paint and water for the girls to play with. They ended up making a huge mess of themselves and outside... but they had a great time! They went straight in to the tub because paint was everywhere on them!

We headed to Grandma and Papa's house around 5:00 p.m. Auntie Carol helped us make pretzels to give to Peyton's teacher. They were so yummy and we ended up making some with cinnamon and sugar, which is my favorite! We pretty much ate the first batch once they came out of the oven. We had pasta and steak for dinner. Peyton was a member of the clean plate club and Logan must have had 5 helpings of pasta... literally! We were all shocked at how much Logan ate. So once dinner was finished, the girls headed back to the tub. Peyton asked Grandma if she could help, which she so nicely agreed to. The girls love taking a tubby in Grandma and Papas huge tub. Logan kept saying she was going swimming. So we ended up heading home before 9:00 p.m. Both girls fell asleep on the way home, which is always a plus in my book. Off to bed I go! This is going to be a busy week. I'm off on Friday and heading to Arizona to spend time with Geoff. I will miss the girls SOOO much!

Here is a picture of Grandma showing the girls how to play the piano. Peyton wanted to play Elmo's World for Logan.

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